Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Richie and Eddie stayed behind in the clubhouse while the rest of the losers went back to their houses to gather a few things. They sat in the hammock together and just talked. Richie never knew it could feel so good to sit next to someone he loved and talk about life. He felt like he could tell Eddie anything and could be himself completely. Eventually they got on the topic of their friends.

"You know what? I think Ben and Bev would be good together," Eddie said out of the blue.

"What makes you say that?" Richie asked. For this thought had never even crossed his mind. He had always thought that Bill liked Bev and automatically thought that they would be better together.

"Well... I know Bill liked Bev but I honestly don't think they should be together. Ben obviously likes Bev and I think Bev might like him too. She always sits by him and agrees with him. She also looks at him with almost... soft eyes," Eddie explained.

"I guess that makes sense. I just never thought about it before," Richie admitted.

"I think they would be good for each other too. Their personalities are different but they fit somehow. Ben is so kind and gives everyone a chance. Bev is really tough and also kind but she takes more time to open up to people I think. They just... connect differently," Eddie said confidently.

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, I really do think they would be perfect for each other," Richie said thoughtfully. He did start to think that they would be good. He and Eddie would have to try and set them up. "We should try to get them together," Richie added.

"Yeah... I think we should but subtly so they don't notice we're doing it," Eddie said.

"Alright, I'll talk to Bev since we already talk a lot and she knows she can trust me. You talk to Ben since you guys both have a lot in common with being sweet and kind," Richie said blushing when he talked about Eddie like that.

"Okay. You say whatever you want. I guess just try and get her on the same page we are and I'll do the same thing with Ben," Eddie smiled. They sat together in silence until the rest of the losers came back, cuddling together. They heard someone opening the door above.

"Hey guys! We're back!" Beverly called down. She meant her and Ben were back. Richie and Eddie exchanged small smiles.

"Hi! Got everything for tonight?" Richie asked.

"Yeah me and Bev brought over chips and soda," Ben held up a bag full to the brim with different flavors of chips and 6 packs of different sodas.

"Great! Sorry we didn't get anything..." Eddie said.

"No problem... we got you covered," Bev smiled. Ben and Bev sat down on the ground next to each other and spread out the snacks. The others came soon after and got their stuff together.

"S-so what do you guys want to d-do?" Bill asked. He sat across from Bev and next to Stan.

"How about.... Spin the bottle?" Richie asked with a small smirk.

"Okay I'm in!" Bev said. She was always up for these kinds of games.

"I guess I will too..." Eddie said quietly. He didn't love these games as much.

"Yeah sounds fun!" Ben smiled. The others agreed too.The first one to spin was Richie, obviously. It landed on Eddie and no one was surprised. They went to the middle of the circle and kissed. It was a soft, loving kiss too.

"Wow you guys. It's supposed to be embarrassing." Stan rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Eddie said and laughed. They made Stanley go next for his cheeky comments. It landed on Mike. Stanley blushed. There was only one girl in this game so it wasn't surprising that it landed on a boy but still. They went to the middle and did a quick peck. No one said anything since it obviously didn't mean a thing. Ben went next. The bottle spun round and round and landed on Bev. Richie and Eddie shared a look. Ben was blushing madly. So was Bev. They scooted to the middle of the circle and kissed. It wasn't a kiss like Mike and Stan. Not an embarrassed kiss. It was a nice one. They looked at each other strangely. Like something had just clicked in their heads. They both went back to their spots and acted as if nothing had happened but the rest of the losers all knew exactly what happened. They had a good time playing games and talking for a while, then everyone started getting ready for bed. Ben and Stan fell asleep first. Then Mike and Bill. Bev went to sleep and then it was just Richie and Eddie awake.

"I think spin the bottle was a success," Eddie yawned.

"Me too. I'm going to talk to Bev tomorrow and see what she thinks. But I'm pretty sure they like each other. Did you see the way they looked at each other after they kissed?" Richie asked as he pulled Eddie closer.

"Yeah I did. I bet they'll be together by the end of the week," Eddie said with a small smile at Richie.

"Is that a challenge? I bet you 10 bucks they'll be together by Wednesday." Riche smirked.

"Fine trashmouth. 10 bucks it is. You'll see I'm right. Wednesday is only three days away. It'll take them longer than that," Eddie said and cuddled with Richie. He fell asleep soon after.

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