Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Richie was so happy to be able to see Eddie again. His new family was super nice and supportive. He had had a hell of a day the day before. He was really scared. Richie always knew his mom was kind of rude towards his dad. His dad was always really kind and a super productive person. He never expected his mom to physically hurt his dad though. Richie wondered how they ever got together in the first place considering how different they were. Richie was back to last night, rerunning it in his head even though he didn't want to.


"I work so we can pay the bills and have food on the table," his dad reasoned.

"I'm tired of this! I'm tired of having to do everything around here!" his mother quieted down a bit but still sounded furious. Richie knew she was drunk and stayed in his room. His legs pulled up to his chest and his head down, Richie was scared. He always was when his mother was like this. His dad didn't drink. They fought for a while longer and then it was quiet. His dad had gone to bed. He had no idea what his mom was planning on doing. Only when he heard the yell from his dad did he run into their room and see. His mother over the bed. The knife on the ground. The deep crimson blood. He ran to the phone and dialed 911. His mother was now sitting on the couch muttering to herself. Her hair was mussed and she had tears in her eyes. The police took her away. The paramedics took his dad to the hospital and a police officer took him to his grandmas.

Richie came back to the present and wiped a tear away from his cheek. He wouldn't cry. He had been doing too much of this lately. Eddie came into the room.

"Richie. Is everything alright?" he sat down next to his and whispered softly.

"No." Richie whispered back simply. He and Eddie laid down and held each other until they fell asleep in comfort. Richie loved how perfect Eddie was. Kind and funny. His hair smelled nice. He was sweet. He had beautiful brown eyes. Richie was so comforted by these thoughts.

He woke up to the smell of bacon the next morning.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead," Eddie smiled at him.

"I love you Ed's," Richie sat up bleary eyed.

"I love you too. We have bacon, eggs, and pancakes downstairs. Then you want to see the other losers? I'm sure they'll want to know what happened and I haven't seen them in over a month now," Eddie shrugged.

"Yeah I would like that," Richie replied. So they had breakfast. It was delicious, William was a great cook! They then headed off towards the clubhouse. They stopped at the kissing bridge first. Or Richie stopped and Eddie followed along. Richie walked over to the middle of the bridge and pointed at an R+E in a heart.

"I carved that when I first realized I liked you," Richie said, grabbing Eddie's hand.

"You did? I never noticed it. That's so sweet!" Eddie dragged him over to the end of the bridge. He showed Richie an R in a lopsided heart. "I carved that about a day or two before you kissed me," Eddie admitted.

"I did not kiss you! I told you I liked you and then you kissed ME!" Richie argued.

"Well either way, I carved that." Eddie crossed his arms. He looked so cute like that! Richie pulled Eddie into a quick kiss and got back onto his bike. Eddie looked surprised that Riche had done that.

"What's wrong Ed's? Surprised at how good a kisser I am?" Richie teased.

"No... it's just... well we're in public. I'm fine anywhere else but when people will see us, they'll laugh or point or even try to hurt us! Like Bowers." Eddie said sadly. This of course, was something Richie already knew. He knew who he was for a while before he started dating Eddie. He knew how people thought about people like him and Eddie. They hated them. Some would even physically hurt them.

"I know. It's hard to accept. I just couldn't resist. No one's around anyways but if you don't like it, I won't do that anymore. We can save that kind of stuff for private places and around people we know," Richie smiled at Eddie.

"Thank you! Sorry, I'm not ashamed or anything, I just don't like people staring. I'm not used to it that's all," Eddie shrugged. They biked over to the clubhouse and went in. The others were already there.

"Eddie!!! I didn't know you would be here!" Stanley exclaimed.

"We all missed you SO much! It just isn't the same without you. And Richie... don't even get me started..." Beverly said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah h-he mopes around and a-acts all depressed and stuff," Bill added with a grin.

"I do not!" Richie protested.

"Eddie we're so happy you're back!" Ben said happily.

"Yeah we missed you!" Mike said. Eddie was so happy to see them all again.

"I missed you guys too! Richie and I both have a lot to tell you guys!" Eddie said as he laid down on the hammock. Richie clambered in with him. "Ugh Richie there's not room for you in here!"

"Oh come on! I know you like it!" Richie laughed.

"What do you want to tell us?" Bev asked. So Eddie told them the story of how his mom hit him and tried to "cure" him again. How he got taken to court and then the orphanage. How Melissa and WIlliam adopted him. And then how Richie came over with bad news. Then Richie took over and retold his story for them all. The losers all gasped and laughed and "awwed" in the right places. They also got sad.

"Richie I'm sure that's awful! I'm really sorry!" Ben said.

"Yeah I-I'm sorry R-R-Richie," You could tell Bill was upset because he was stuttering more than usual.

"Thanks guys but I'm better now. Eddie cheered me up," Richie said with a small peck on Eddie's forehead.

"It was nothing really. Just some comforting thoughts and some chips and pizza," Eddie laughed. They spent most of the day lounging around and having fun. Then they all decided to have a small party. They went home for a bit to gather some things and clothes (it was an overnight party). Then they would come back for a good time! Richie felt almost normal by then! He was so happy around his best friends. And Eddie, who was his best friend and boyfriend.

Hey guys I love the end of this chapter. Ty for all the reads I didn't think anyone was going to read it tbh lol. Anyways more chapters are coming really soon! -Aesthetic_Shea :D

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