Back to the Dorms

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Now with the much needed help from Ashido, the two were able to find the stair moderately quickly,and started to talk.

(M is Mina, D is Deku)

M:So, how'd you get lost in here anyways?'s embarrassing...

M:Oh, c'mon, you can tell me!

D:I-I...might've been talkingtomyselfthiswholetimeanddidn'tfigureoutIwaslostuntilIinevitablystopedtalkingwhichwasn'tashorttime,soIhadNOCLUEwhereIwas.

M:Oh. Wow, that is pretty embarassing.

D:Y-Yeah...hey, what type of monster are you?

M:Well, technically I'm what humans call a Prism Goul, but I'm from a pack of Adventurers.

D:Woah, you're part of a whole new species, with different packs??

M:Yep! Us Adventurers are most commonly pink or green! There are some other packs too like Warriors and Watchers. Obviously there are a few more, but those two are the only others that actually are at the school.

D:Wait, really? Who are they?

M:Wow, you're a real nerd Midoriya!


M:But to answer your question; Todoroki is a Warrior and human hybrid, and Shinsou is a Watcher.

D:Oh, I know them! What are you guys' roles in packs anyway?

M:Well, Adventurers like me tend to well, go places. Watchers are always with a kid, so you've most likely seen Eri with Shinsou most of the time. Warriors are always fighting the Corruptors.


M:Yep! They're the only real hostile pack of ours. They're most likely black. Don't let one of them find you either; they have the power to turn you evil.

D:Oh....wait, what's your power then?

M:Well all of us kinda can have any element we want, but we've gotta stick with it. I don't think Shinsou has picked his yet, but I know Todoroki uses fire and ice. I chose the best choice in my opinion; acid!

D:Oh, cool! I don't think acid is necessarily an element though.

M:Yeah, Maybe not. But acid is just the best power to have, don't 'cha think?

D:I guess so, yeah...

M:Oh, look! We're here! That was a lot longer than it normally takes--

"DEKU!!" the two heard a voice call out. Suddenly, Deku was tackled by the holder of said voice; obviously Bakugo. "You fucking ditched me, what the hell?!"

"I-I didn't ditch you Kacchan, I promise! I was just lost!"

"Oh yeah? Then who the fuck is Pinky over there?!"

"The names' Mina, thank you very much. And I was just helping your friend here, Werewolf."


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