"Redemtion" Training

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The armature dragon reached what Ashido calls 'The Arena'. Said Arena is apparently one of the only rooms in the academy with human fire.

"-just so you can get the feel of fighting an actual human!" the creature said. "..a Gem Devil's weakness is a human's fire, and they know that."

It's overall atmosphere sent shivers down his spine; bricks in disarray along the floor, dark sharp corners, locked cages that swallowed up the abyss, and the quiet.

Quiet. It reminded him of so many things...his mother's death; the silence of her lack of breaths...how the village can go silent after so many people have gone missing; his own grandmother disappeared one day and has yet to return...how quiet people got when Izuku walked in the streets; the aura's of unbridled disgust around the townsfolk...

...he never liked the quiet before...

Midoriya shook his head. He can't think about that now. What he needed to do now was train.

After Mitsuki came to the school, he understood what the students go through. They've been taught to learn how to fight back- some of them anyways.

That day, he stood still. He stood still and did nothing as his friend got bit.

He must've been so scared.

He yelled.

He bled.

Deku doesn't want that to happen again..to Bakugo, Uraraka, or anyone.

The greenette sighed, and looked down at his body.

His hands and feet? His pointy ears and sharp teeth? The tail and wings residing on his backside?


He's different now.

He needs to be strong enough to fight, and now he has the body to do it.


A pained cry erupted from his mouth as smoke escaped. A burning sensation sinks in his throat as tears well in his eyes, but he wiped them quickly.

'..nine..' he thinks to himself.

This was the ninth time he tried to breathe fire and it didn't work.
How come Shoto makes it look so easy?

Training, he says to himself. Todoroki-kun's body is enough to show rigorous training to hone his abilities. Though if the greenette ever questioned his technique, the boy dismissed it...

And now he can't even let out the tiniest flame.

'I bet my father is ashamed of me...'

No. He needs to stop thinking about that. Negativity isn't going to get him anywhere.

Izuku doesn't give himself enough time for a break and turns around to land a kick at the barrel near the wall.

His foot plants itself inside of it and a loud bang echos through the halls.

A proud, shakily laugh was interupted with a pained grunt/whine as he felt the agony of the wood lodged into his leg.

Midoriya removed his appendage quickly and hobbled back a few feet before falling backwards intentionally.

"Dammit..." he whispered. This..would take some time.


One final whimper of pain was quickly replaces with a sigh of relief was he pulled out the last shard of wood. Izuku steadied himself on the all and tried to and up properly, only to fall back as he leg gave out.

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