Ouni's Pov
As I thought about their deaths, why should they had to die? The least that I should've needed was one of their people comforting me. On the contrary though, it had a slight warmth.
Pain and sadness still lingered, but to the mix of the emotions a bit of hope and warmth was added.
All good things must come to the end though- the mayor wanted me.
"What was it for though? The attack? No it is most definitely the attack. What about the attack though? Do I want to get involved.
I have no choice, of course I would. I can't let anyone else die." Nibi knocked on the door.
"Suou! Ouni is here!" A sound of papers fluttering down and other few various things falling were heard.
"Ah! Uh, coming!" He called back and opened the door, "I apologise, I didn't mean to have created a mess."
I catch a lamp as I enter and place it carefully back, as Suou gathers a few papers.
"What do you need?" I lean against the wall.
He jumps a bit, "Ah yes! Uh do you want to join the current team in infiltrating the enemy?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well the plan is as it stands is to sink their ship by killing the Nous, (The heart of the ship.)"
"Who's going to protect the people here though?" I lean forward slightly.
"No worries! Currently we are training the marked to fight, as well as leaving Shuan here too."
"Are the children partaking too?" I asked but already knew the answer, Suoh closed his hands and gazed downward.
"Is taking down the Nous the quickest way to defeat them."
"It seems so..."
I raised my head, "Then I'll join." "I won't let anything happen!"
He smiled as I walked out, although a sense of uneasiness lingered behind his smile his hands still clasped.
He had done that whenever he felt a surge of emotions, He had done that to conseal them.
I looked outside to see the kids fighting. Those with thymia, they could kill someone the next day. They would become murders.
It seemed like our doom was coming. The world seemed bleak, and I could do nothing.
I ran to out of the building and gone to the boarder of island. I couldn't stand to be cooped up in there. My thoughts were already suffocating I don't need the walls too.
Author Note- yeah sorry it's a little short, I just didn't want to separate the pattern I had going. (UnU) But at the same time I didn't really know what to do for this. So~ I decided to dwell on his feeling and talk about Souh I'm sure someone of you are fans of him. ;)
Also I realized later now that some people may not remember all the names (especially me as I am terrible with names. Kinda enjoy Y/n's Pov as I get to describe people purely off looks, lol)
Anyways, Here they are. I'll give more info as we go on.
For anymore info check the fandom thingy. Very useful.
Y/n - you. Duh. Anyways she was that one girl Ouni and the Moles kidnapped from the 1st invasion.
Ouni - Our main boi! He has an epic ponytail that anyone would be envious of.
(Cough cough me cough cough)
He later becomes or is revealed to be a daimonas. Basically meaning he can use thymia around the core thingy a.k.a Nous. He's also kinda like the leader of the moles. Although Nibi also kinda is.
Kicha - Best gal. She short, hot head. Is a blonde. Kinda cute. Not the one that dies, although she may later in the manga. I have only watched the Netflix anime thing.
Nibi - blonde boy. He your casual leader boi. He upbeat, and such. He is kinda protective of Ouni, (from my pov). He can be hot headed as well. He is so kinda adventurous, although it is revealed he likes the mud whale.
Suou - Anyways besides the possible stories stuff actually about this character. He is the mayor, he is naive and can stand his ground. He is a soft boi. If you ever read the webtoon Beyond the Sight of You he reminds me of Reine. There is like a strong resemblance I tell ya! A strong resemblance.
Shuan - Eye patch guy! He has blonde hair and is a lone wolf. Unlike Ouni he doesn't really befriend anyone. Even his wife, which later dies. He doesn't feel much emotion, or at least expresses it. But you can tell he feels sadness for his wife's death, which is kinda sad. He's als
More coming soon.
Yep all that info prolly should've been at the start but better now than later. Most of the personal stuff was my interpretation of the characters. Ouni is kinda of like a protector of the shadows. (That's why he looks out of the window when we first see him, he's kinda like watching out of the window. In the anime he follows the group from behind when they are trying to stop the mud whale from sinking, that moment was also kinda tsundere-y, another time in the anime where he was protector of mud whale was when the twins set up a coup d'etat he jumped down and protected the mayor and knocked some reason back into the fools) He also a tsundere, and can get kinda angry easily, at least annoyed.
And oh gosh this is 1,037 words. Most of it Author note, (I'll try to cut it down...). Alright I cut it down now it's just 929 words!
My Miniscule Sandy World Ouni/Kicha X Reader (You!)
FanfictionRecommend reading this first! So first off assume all art isn't mine unless stated otherwise. Second off this is fem reader, I am incredibly sorry for this inconvenience, originally this was written way before I knew anything about fanfics... >~< 3r...