Part 26

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Y/n's Pov

Kicha and have been hanging out every since the incident. She was there for me.

Ever since then the crimes I have done really seemed to sink in.

I killed people.

I didn't really noticed the weight of those words till now. Being on the opposite side of them really brought to light how evil it was, I was.

I took lives of the innocent, I was just like his killers.

I was uneasy. An cup that could overflow at any moment. I was standing on a tightrope and at any moment could fall.

I started to talk about my life there. Kicha happily listened.

I then mentioned some food and here we are.

Ouni threw up on my, and Kicha was hogging the restroom.

My food was bad, undercooked.


Ouni laid there immobile, his fever soaring.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I kept mumbling to myself.

"I'm fine," Ouni mumbled, trying to sit up.

"No," I pushed him back down, "You have a fever."

I sat on a chair, staring at him.

"... Do I have something on my face?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. I'm just admiring your ponytail."

"My ponytail?"

"Yeah, it's kinda of like a unicorn tail. It's majestic."

"Unicorn tails are majestic?" He laughed.


"Wanna know how I do it?" He asked.

"Yea-" I almost jumped out of my seat before I remembered, "No, you are sick currently."

"I said I'm fine."

"Your body says otherwise," I took his temperature again, 112, "See."

"I said I fine."

"You are?"


I punched him in the stomach causing him to puke.

"Hey what's that for?!"

"You puke rather easily for someone's who's fine," I tease.

"You just punched really hard is all."

"Sure, Yeah, Totally," I wiped puke from his mouth.

Next day he was fine and dandy. Although Kicha was still healing.


Wow what terrible cookers you are glad I can't re-

Actually let's end that right there.

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