Part 20

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Y/n Pov

The Day of the Attack

It already was off to a great start, Ouni (which was planned) went off to the enemy base to defeat the nous, Nibi, however, was not planned and decided to tag along.

I was of course tied up. Screams were heard outside, I assumed at least 100 died if not more.

It was like torture hearing the screams of people around and not being able to do anything, it hurt even more every time the moles had to fight and all I could do was watch.

I knew why, I understand why. Nevertheless it still didn't fill me with ease.

Kicha fought. She had improved quite a lot on thymia usage, and overall fighting. She seemed to flawlessly move.

Her thymia compared to the attackers proved my theory. Mud Whale seemed to have more powerful thymia. I shook my silver hair away.

I wondered if not emotions what was their source of thymia? Must be powerful if they mostly were able the wipe 'em out with ease.

They enemies kept coming one by one, they were like waves of mobs in a game. 

"It had seemed I was worried about noth-" I said to myself before seeing my former captain, "ing. Oh no!"

I tried to untangle myself out of the ropes.


It failed, I scurried over, as fast as I could go. Relying on the fish ways, I was rusty, after only a few days not doing so.

I had discovered this way of transportation when I first got here. Along with many other things, although as must as I wish to reminisce now is not the time.

"Kicha!" I screamed. I was going to protect this new found life.

The invader looked shocked.


Ah yes the lovable most scene the fight scene. Prolly at climax now. No most definitely at climax now.

Also I wonder have any of you been crying? Just curious.

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