Part 23

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Captain's Pov

I looked at the cloaked girl. She reminded me of her. Although be it her attitude is a bit more spikey and fluctuating. Her pure energy and movements were indeed similar.

Every move I took she studied. Her piercing gaze upon anything and everything I do.

I came here originally to avenge. N/l was last seen around her and most likely killed by these I fought.

It was a surprise no less when she didn't come back that day. Even more so when I heard she was killed.

It was a surprise that I even felt surprised. I thought I had no emotion but I sat there in my desk emotional.

I sat there in my desk when I heard the news, I sat there regretting many things.

'I know here will be my death bed. I overheard the plan with the nous. A line of heritage in this line of business I knew what was going to happen. We'd eventually sink. We'd eventually die. But if that is so I'd rather avenge her.'

Or so I thought. I created thymia slashes. She reminded my of N/l so much.

How did this even come about? I sat there in my desk questioning all of that what had happened over the years.

The plan was being fleshed out more and more.

I looked and watched the cloaked girl. She seemed to now have stopped using her butter knife. She flew it towards me.

I payed it no mind.

The days in which N/l and fought in that time I looked back on with gratitude.

I looked back on my selfishness, the evil I done. She probably realized at some point what I done.

'Would she forgive me?'

The answer was obviously a blatant no.

I done another cycle of slashes. My arms were drooping.

I was not in a refined emotional state.

What does it even mean to have no emotions, to be a robot? We were clearly both not robots, and even in robots you could find some bit of personality with in.

I was cruel. Felt little to none remorse. Even now I am not all that remorseful. The only bit of guilt I felt was bring N/l into this.

Was she the core of my emotions when did she even do this to me.

I looked back at what was at hand. The cloaked girl was coming at me.

What does my life still have to offer if not pain? Perhaps if I were to die maybe I could be redeemed.

Of course not. But maybe they will be able to live a little longer. N/l wasn't one for revenge, I'm not so much about that either.

I stand there welcoming of the blade.


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