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~Aspen Fae~

Black ink. That's all I saw everywhere I went. I was alone in the world and I always have been. I never had friends, my family disowned me as soon as I turned eighteen, and I never felt as if I belonged to this world. Everyone had the name of their soulmate on the inside of their left wrist written in black ink. However, my wrist was bare. This made me an outsider, an outcast, a nobody; garbage.

Living in a world where you didn't have a soulmate was hard and lonely. The only comfort I found was watching movies and reading. It was an escape from my monotonous life I was forced to endure. Wake up, work, go home, and repeat. Although today was different. It was finally the weekend and a late August thunderstorm roared outside. Despite it being the middle of the day it was almost pitch black outside. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled shaking the windows to my small apartment. The Texas heat was still there, although I found myself wrapped up in a blanket on my sofa scrolling through movies on Netflix.

I stumbled upon Ghost Rider, a movie I haven't seen in years, and although I wasn't in the mood for that type of movie, I felt compelled to watch it anyway. I started the movie and huddled under the blanket. I soon found myself tuned in completely to the film, and though the thunder was loud, I couldn't hear it. Blackheart was finally introduced, and a small grin appeared on my face.

"As a matter of fact," Blackhearts husky voice spoke as I watched the bikers face turn blue and almost appear to desiccate rapidly before my eyes,

"I do." he finishes, he demon voice showing through for a split second before a loud clap of thunder sounded causing the TV to freeze.

"Oh come on, it was just getting to the good part!" I exclaim, throwing my hand towards the TV. Turning my gaze back towards it, I see the face of blackheart had apparently shifted and was now seemingly looking directly at me. I wasn't really creeped out by this, however, I was irritated by not being able to watch the movie. I sigh, sitting up and leaning my head backwards. A bright flash of lightening blinded me momentarily, and when I lifted my head, I was looking at a door.

Confusion flowed through me as I took in my surroundings. The building appeared older, the wood faded and it was freezing. I look down, now clothed in black skinny jeans, boots to match, a dark, almost crimson red t-shirt, and leather jacket covered my upper body as my brown hair flowed across my shoulders.

"What the fuck?" I whisper, and then I hear a loud thud coming from outside the door. I crept towards the door, and when it opened, no sound was made. I peek around the corner and see nothing but behind a bar, a blueish-black figure laying on the floor. I quirk my eyebrows in confusion before silently making my way towards the doorway, stopping when I hear footsteps walking the opposite direction as me. They were slow, but the aura in the place felt dangerous; and a part of that excited me.

"Hello, Gressil." a dark voice spoke, and an intense burning began to pulsate on my wrist; my left wrist.

"Why are you here?" a demonic voice spoke to the unknown man, and I tugged the sleeve of my jacket. Writing had finally appeared.

My soulmate.


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