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    I peaked into the room where Aspen was sleeping. Ever since the incident at the train yard, I've been feeling protective of her. I couldn't quite understand it, but nothing ever made sense in my life. I was fighting with myself in my head over which I wanted more. Aspen...or control over Hell. I suddenly felt exhausted, which was unusual for a demon. I shrugged off my coat, laying it over the back of the couch before walking into the bedroom. I hoped she wouldn't mind. I sat on the bed, leaning back against the headboard and rested my head against it, closing my eyes. I felt the bed shuffle and Aspen, in her sleep, tucked herself into my side.

    I felt immense comfort in this, and I let an actual smile fall onto my face. She was changing me, and I didn't want to admit it, but a part of me was scared. I was evil, I'd tortured souls and killed many people over the years, but she wasn't afraid of me. I had never cared for romance or having feelings for another person. I didn't believe in the concept of love, but with her; it was different. She made me feel as if I were worthy of loving, of being loved. She was beginning to make me feel human.

"I can hear you thinking from here," she mumbles sleepily. I glance down at her and find her eyes are still closed.

"What makes you so sure."

"You keeps relaxing before tensing up again,"

"I do?"


~Aspen Fae~

    It was silent after my declaration, and I knew I was right. He was thinking, but what about I wasn't sure. I wasn't going to push him, but I wanted desperately for him to choose me over some stupid contract that was going to get him killed. It was late and although I was tired, I tried to keep myself from falling asleep. I felt Blackheart get up, and walk over to my side of the bed.

"I have to go somewhere, but I'll be back," he whispers before placing a kiss onto my forehead. I smile softly, cuddling into the pillow he was leaning against before letting sleep consume me again.


    I wasn't sure what possessed me to kiss her. Albeit it was on her forehead, but I was a demon. I didn't show any emotion, but this girl somehow possessed me to start having real feelings. I wasn't sure how to deal with it, so I decided to go to Saint Michael's Church to figure out where the contract was.

    I stood in front of hundreds of candles, lifting a small one and blowing it out. I knew someone had to appear eventually, and I just hoped it could get it taken care of before Aspen woke up. A low growl escapes me at all the holy like things surrounding me. It's sickening. Then I hear a door open behind me.

"Forgive me, father, for I have sinned," I turn and look at him, "I've sinned a lot." I walk down between the pews, the man in front of me showing power but also fear. He thought God was on his side. Ha, pathetic mortal.

"Where's the contract of San Venganza." I declare, continuing my trek towards him.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me," I yell as we both walk towards on another, "you've been protecting it all these years, sworn to secrecy."

"Sworn to keep it from the likes of you!" the priest yells.

"There's an old saying: Raise no more devils than you can lay down. My father raised one to many." I taunt, a smirk playing on my lips. The priest begins whispering as he holds out a cross, and a smile spreads across my lips before I let my demon side take over.

    I walk down the steps of the church, Abigor and Wallow falling into step beside me as we hear the roar of a motorcycle in the distance.

"He's coming for us," Wallow says in fear.

"Abigor. You know what to do." I glance at the man before he vanishes and flies off towards where the rider was.

    Wallow and I stood afar on top of a building watching the rider face off with the police. There was woman standing alongside them, although she was trying to walk to him as he reached out for her before being shot at. He soon rode off into the night, and I smirk.

"Now we know his weakness," I growl before vanishing from the scene.

~Third Person~

"What I do know is that Blackheart is comin', and he'll do anything to get it. That's why it's important for you to stay away from friends and family, anybody he can use against you, cause he will." The caretaker speaks urgently to Johnny Blaze. Blaze looked at the caretaker, fear taking over him.

"Roxanne," Blaze spoke, he went to walk back to his motorcycle but stops.

"If there's anything I can use against Blackheart to weaken him, would it work?" He asks, remembering the brown headed girl he saw with Blackheart in the train yard.

"Aspen Fae. She's here?" the caretaker asks, a shocked expression falling over his face.

"Is that her name? She was with him at the old cemetery. Why, is she important?" Blaze questions, stepping back towards the caretaker in need of more information.

"She's not supposed to be true. No one has ever seen her before, no one thought she even existed. She's supposed to make him choose between good and evil or help him become even more evil. She's the only one who will ever have a part of his heart. If you find her, she'll be his greatest weakness even if he doesn't understand her link to him. If she's here, the rider will lead you straight to her," the caretaker responds and Johnny hops onto his bike, speeding out of the cemetery using his rider to guide him towards the mystery girl.

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