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~Aspen Fae~

    I gasp loudly as I shoot up into a sitting position. I grab my chest, breathing heavily before taking in my surroundings. I was back in my apartment, in my own world. The storm still raged on outside, and the tv screen was still frozen on Blackheart's face.

"No, no, no, NO!" I scream, falling off the sofa and onto my knees, tears falling down my face.

    I was so angry. How could I have finally found him, only for it all to be ripped away. I cried, looking down at my wrist and no longer seeing Blackheart's name there, but the name 'Wes'.

Then I hear a door open behind me.



Aspen's eyes fell closed as she stopped breathing.

"NO!" I scream, my demon face fully revealed as the building shook. I was so angry that she was taken from me. I didn't even get to spend that much time with her. I should have spent more time with her. I look back down, only to see her body slowly cover in dark blue smoke before fading away. I turn to injure the rider who took my only love, but he was no longer there. Confusion fills me, and I look in all directions, but I was alone. I stand, spinning to try and make sense of all of this.

"My Aspen," I whisper, and I feel something on my face. I reach a hand up, wiping my face and bringing it down to see water. Tears? Was I crying? Demon's don't cry. A sharp burning pain filled my wrist, and I rip my coat off, pulling up the sleeve to my long shirt and see a name, written in black ink.


I run my thumb over her name. My soulmate. I close my eyes, and when I open them again, it's dark. Flashes of light fill the room I'm in and thunder shook the windows. What?

"No, no, no, NO!" I hear a female scream. It sounded like Aspen. My Aspen. I walk to the door, opening it.

"Aspen?" I call out, looking around before seeing her on the ground; face pressed into her knees. She looks up, turning around slowly to look at me. She's still beautiful, clad in all black sweats and a hoodie.

"B-Blackheart?" she asks, standing up and blinking as if she thought she were seeing things.

~Aspen Fae~

"B-Blackheart?" I ask, blinking to make sure I wasn't seeing things. But there he was, standing just outside the door to my bedroom. Dark jeans and a grey t-shirt covering him now instead of his dark clothes and long trench coat. It takes me a split second before I run across the room and leap into his arms. He wraps his around my waist, burying his face in my neck.

"I thought I lost you," he whispers. I pull back to look at him.

"You chose my world over yours?"

"A world without you in it, is not mine." He responds before letting me stand on my own. He then holds out his wrist to me, and I can see my name clearly written on his wrist in black ink, a dark blue surrounding it.

"Blackheart," I whisper, reaching out and tracing over the letters.

"I don't think that name suits me anymore," He whispers, taking my left wrist into his grasp.

"Then how about Wes?" I ask, seeing him run his thumb over the name on my wrist; his name.

"Sounds perfect," he replies before tilting my head upwards and placing his lips on mine.

Now this is what I call perfect.

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