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    Blackheart never gave me an answer, and I feel that a part of it had to do with his need for the contract. I knew what would happen if he ever got it, and I wasn't about to let my soulmate die so I was trying to find a way to get him to change his mind. I had just slipped my leather jacket back on when Blackheart walked into the room.

"I'm going to the old cemetery," he tells me before turning around. I remember this part.

"Can I come?" I ask, my fingers playing with the edges of my jacket sleeves. I did want to see this next part in person, but I also wanted to be close to him.

"Only if you stay by me," he responds, and I nod, walking over to him and wrapping my arm around his before we're consumed in dark blue smoke.


    We were walking down what appeared to be a railway, it was dark and it smelled of musk and coal. I was sticking by Blackheart's side like he told me to when we hear a voice call out from behind us.

"Hey! You can't come in here," they guy yells, causing the five of us to turn around.

"This is private...property," the guy falters once he sees the guys appearances. I was tucked behind Blackheart so he couldn't see me.

"There was a cemetery here," Blackheart's low voice speaks, and I can see the guy become even more nervous.

"Uh...yeah, a long time ago."

"What happened to the graves?" Blackheart questions as the other three elementals surround him. He finally sees me as Blackheart walks towards him, and his eyes plead with me to do something.

"They moved 'em."


"I don't know." the guys says sincerely, and I felt the urge to stop Blackheart, but I didn't want his wrath directed towards me.

"Who would?"

"Uh..." the guy hesitates, looking around at the guys, "Saint Michael's Church. They're in charge of the whole thing," he turns back towards Blackheart. I kept my distance, not wanting to get in the middle of them, and I knew what was going to happen to the guy.

"Look, you really shouldn't be here."

"That's what they keep telling me," Blackheart says huskily before I watch the life drain out of the man's eyes. His body starts turning a blackish-blue color, his eyes disappear and his mouth opens in a silent scream.

"Blackheart," I warn, hearing a motorcycle in the distance. He turns towards me, and hears the same thing I do.

"Come on," he instructs, and I jog towards him. I fall into step beside him as he takes my semi-warm hand in his cold one. We get to the entrance of a tunnel, and I see the ghost rider walking towards the exit.

"Stay here," Blackheart tells me, and I nod before he walks out into the open, clapping his hands.

"Looking for someone?" he asks in amusement causing me to roll my eyes playfully, a small grin on my lips. Always so theatrical.

"Back to Hell," the rider tells him as he points.

"We're not gonna have a meaningful conversation, now are we?" Blackheart taunts.

"You're going down," and even though I can't see his face, I know Blackheart is smirking.

"I don't think so," Blackheart laughs, and I creep towards the tunnels opening. Abigor flies out of the entrance, shoving me in the process, before picking up the rider and hanging him on some loose chains dangling from the ceiling. I glare in Abigor's direction as Blackheart's laugh echoes through the area. I see Blackheart tense as the rider reignites himself, pulling the chain from the ceiling and marches towards us. I walk to Blackhearts side, and he sticks his arm out to keep me behind him.

"What'd I tell you," he starts before I turn to see Wallow holding his foot inside of a puddle. I hear a loud semi, and before I know it, the rider is behind smashed between the front of the, now crushed, semi and the front of a display train. Blackheart inhales sarcastically before chuckling to himself. He walks away, grabbing the edge of my jacket to pull me with him. We meet Wallow and Abigor and turn as Gressil gets out of the semi.

"He ain't so tough," Gressil chuckles and begins to walk towards us. Before I could say anything, the rider appears and grabs Gressil's shoulder.

"Hey. Dirtbag." he seemingly growls before punching Gressil, making him fly a few feet backwards. He turns and I see a giant hole on the side of his face that's slowly regenerating. The rider walks up to him, lighting his chain on fire and I can tell Gressil is terrified.

"Have mercy."

"Sorry, all out of mercy." Gressil turns and tries to crawl to us, but the rider throws and wraps the chain around Gressil's upper chest. I knew what was going to happen, and I couldn't bare to watch.

"Help me!" Gressil screams as red hot veins of fire start overtaking his body. I turn and press my face into Blackheart's shoulder so I didn't have to watch. He wraps an arm around my waist and in the blink of an eye...it's silent.

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