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~Aspen Fae~

    Blackheart was gone for a long time. Dawn had just approached, and I was standing out on a balcony watching the sun set. I had a bad feeling in my gut, and I wasn't sure as to why. I hear a motorcycle in the distance, and a strange feeling filled my gut. I stepped back inside only for the door to the apartment to be burst open. I spin around, seeing the rider standing there.

"You're coming with me," he growls before blackness takes over my vision.


    I felt bad about leaving Aspen alone all day, but I needed to get everything ready for my plan since it was only Wallow and myself left. I had a strange feeling come over me, but I brushed it aside, and headed towards the riders home. I walk in silently, coming up behind a man as the woman who had the riders heart stands; a book in her hands.

"Jesus," she spoke, shock written all over her face.

"Not even close." I snarl, killing the man in front of me. She gasps, dropping the book and backing away from me. A smirk falls across my face as I step towards her.

"You have his heart. Now I'm gonna break it," I tell her, pressing the back of my hand to her face and causing a part of it to turn a dark blue. She falls to the ground panting, her whole body a light blue color. I step back into the shadows as the lift opens.

"Roxanne," the rider speaks, leaning down to check on her as she points, revealing my appearing form.

    I fly towards him, flashing my demon face at him and shove him against the brick wall. He then bursts into flames, spinning us around and shoving my back into the wall. Shock overtakes me for a moment before I realize he was trying to use the Penance Stare on me.

"Look into my eyes," he speaks, and I fake terror before bursting into laughter.

"You're Penance Stare doesn't work on me. I have on soul to burn." I reach up, grabbing what's supposed to be his throat.

"I guess the caretaker forgot to mention that, huh?" I question, "Surprise. He sent you to bring me back. I'm not going back. I like it here!" I growl before picking him up and slamming him onto the wooden floor, cracking the boards. Anger flows through me at my father.

"He thinks you're better than me? I don't know who's more pathetic, you or him." I slam him harder onto the floor, his flesh reappearing as he gasps for air.

"Now, listen to me, and try and get it through that thick skull of yours. You don't work for my father anymore. You work for me. Get the contract from the caretaker. Bring it to me in San Venganza, and maybe I'll spare your girls life," I tell him, standing over him and glancing at his pathetic girlfriend.

"You hurt my girl and I'll hurt yours," he rasps beneath me.

"What!" I growl, leaning down and gripping his throat again.

"I have Aspen Fae, the only woman who has your heart. If you hurt Roxanne, I will hurt Aspen," he chokes out. I growl, slamming him onto the floor again.

"Bring me the contract and Aspen! And Johnny...," I growl angrily, glancing at his girl again, "don't make me wait." I stand, walking over to the girl and grabbing her arm roughly before vanishing back to my apartment. I shove the Roxanne girl onto the sofa, flashing my demon eyes at her.

"Don't move."

    I rush around the apartment looking for Aspen, but she's nowhere to be found. I yell out in anger, allowing my demon side to push through as I shove and throw things across the room. It was then that I realized how important Aspen had become to me in such a short amount of time. I no longer cared about the contract, all I wanted was to get Aspen back and go somewhere else, anywhere else but here. Maybe back to her world she had told me about. I storm back out into the room, the woman jumping in fear.

"Let's go." I growl, grabbing her arm again.

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