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    I was now sitting on top of the bar, Blackheart pacing back and forth in front of me. He was intrigued to say the least about the statement I made. I had just finished telling him about where I've come from and about how I didn't have a name on my wrist.

"So, you were watching this so called movie, and now you show up here?" he questions.


"And you didn't have a soulmate in that world,"


"And now you claim that I am your so called "soulmate"?" he asks, stopping to look at me. I held his gaze for a moment, and while it was intense, I didn't find it threatening in the slightest.

"I know you are," I retort, rolling my eyes. He growls again, and I look back at him, an eyebrow raised. He then strides towards me, and I hold my breath in anticipation. I was expecting him to try to kill me or throw me across the bar, but instead, he holds out his hand. As if knowing what he was asking, I place my hand in his, palm up. His touch was cold, although it didn't bother me. He glances up at me for a split second before his pale, cold fingertips lift the sleeve of my jacket exposing his name on my wrist. It was now a dark black but the edges faded into a dark blue that matched his appearance when his demon face was revealed.

    His fingertips trace over the letters, and a pleasuring shiver runs down my spine. This didn't go unnoticed by him as a smirk fell upon his lips. I see question and challenge in his eyes, and I was unsure about what he was going to do. He twists his body so that he was fully facing me, and takes a dangerous step forwards so that he was now standing between my legs, our eyes locking as we were currently the same height. He lifts his hand, placing the back of his fingers on my cheek. He was cold yes, but if he was trying to use his powers on me it wasn't working. Thinking it wasn't enough, he moves and places his entire hand on my cheek, and I subconsciously lean into it. His blue eyes seemingly pierce my soul.

"You're coming with me." he mutters before we disappear in a cloud of dark blue smoke.

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