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    I was walking in a park, thoughts rattling my brain. I'd left Aspen in an abandoned apartment I'd been staying at to sleep; something all mortals needed apparently. Her story seemed to make sense, and I wasn't one to question abnormalities in the world. She was beautiful I'll admit, her long brown hair framing her face perfectly, green eyes showing she had a challenging nature. She wasn't scared of me, which seemingly pleased my dead heart. The lamps around me flickered and went out, and I turn to see my father standing a few yards away.

"Mephistopheles...I knew you'd come."

"Long time no see, boys. Where ya been hidin'." he replies as I feel Wallow, Gressil, and Abigor behind me.

"I know why you're here. I know what you're after." he speaks and a smirk falls onto my face, all thoughts of Aspen falling to the back of my mind.

"It's my contract. They're my souls," he tries to threaten, but I just take a cigar from one of the boys, blowing on it to turn the lanterns back on.

"We both know you can't harm me here. It's my turn to lead." I tell him menacingly, although a part of me wasn't so sure anymore. And I had a feeling it had to do with a woman called Aspen Fae.

"Are you sure? I happen to know a woman known as Aspen Fae is beginning to change your mind," he smirks. My own smirk faulters slightly, but I don't let him get into my head.

"Hmm, now...deal with my rider,"

"Your precious rider. I will retire him, just like I will retire you...father," I snarl, flicking the cigar at him before disappearing with my crew.

~Aspen Fae~

    I was sitting on the counter, eating a bowl of cereal. I'd woken from a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep. Blackheart was out who knows where and a part of me worried for him. I was sitting in some shorts and just the red shirt I appeared in this world with. It was cold, but I didn't feel the need to get anything to help warm me up with, besides, this was Blackhearts' place. I didn't want to go snooping around.

"You're awake," his deep voice states, and I look up to see him standing in the living room.

"Hmm," I nod, setting the now empty bowl onto the counter next to me. I still felt this hollow pit in my chest, and it caused sadness to wallow in me. I sigh, leaning back into the cabinets, letting my hands rest on my lap.

"You're sad," he speaks, now sounding as if he were standing in front of me.

"You're good at guessing aren't you?" I snicker, not bothering to look up. Then I feel his fingertips trail from the crease in my arm down to my wrist where his name is written. I close my eyes in contentment, the cold temperature of his body more comforting than the cold I was originally feeling. He trails his fingers back up my arm, down the side and onto my exposed thigh before slowly trailing down to my knee.

"My touch calms you," he says almost shocked.

"That is the power of soulmates," I respond almost sounding uninterested.

"Tell me more." I know he meant for it to come out as a question, although it came out as a demand.

"What would you like to know?"


"Okay, well...a soulmate brings you comfort. They can calm you down even when you're at your angriest. They'll accept you regardless of who, or in this case what, you are, and they'll support you no matter what. They'll encourage you to do good, but ultimately they complete you. You'll want them around even if you're angry with one another, they make you feel whole, and they'll make you feel alive and in love even if you believe you are incapable of those feelings."

"So you know I'm not good?" He asks, and I finally lean up, locking eyes with him. I decided to take the chance to show him since I'd never directly touched him before. I reach out, gripping his hip and pulling him close so that he was now standing between my legs again. My eyes search his for any sign of rejection, but I just found him watching me intently. I then move my eyes to the tiny black veins that stretch outwards from his hairline. I reach my hand up, running them over the veins as if I were drawing over them. He hums this time, and I glance at him quickly to see his eyes closed. I continue tracing the veins on his face for a few minutes before I rest my forehead against his.

"Good or bad we are meant to be. I've already accepted that. The only question is...do you?" I whisper.

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