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    This cannot be possible. Was I in the movie now? I tugged my sleeve down, listening back in to the conversation.

"Wallow." the man, who I now figured was Blackheart spoke. His voice sent pleasing chills down my spine and I wanted nothing more than to walk out to him. From what I remember, he was a demon. However, he was also, technically, the devil's son.

"And what do you want from us?" Wallow questions, and as I peak from around the corner to see them better, I see Blackheart begin to pace.

"I've come for the contract of San Venganza," he speaks, and I can feel the need for power he currently has. I can see his pale hands boldly against his black trench coat, and my eyes trail upwards to his dark hair with black-like veins trailing outwards onto his face. I found this oddly attractive and my fingertips itched to trace them.

"Legend has it that the contract was stolen and hidden in a graveyard not far from here. And now you're gonna help me find it." Blackheart elaborates. From what I remember, the contract was a guaranteed 1,000 evil souls, and he wanted to unleash hell upon the earth. Well, the earth I was currently on.

    The door suddenly bursts open, and I shove my hand to my face. Silencing the startled scream that wanted to escape past my lips. I didn't know whether it would be a good or bad thing if they found me here. Obviously Blackheart believed he'd killed all the people in the bar. Which he did, however, I somehow appeared, and I'm shocked he hasn't sensed me yet. Although I'm not scared so I have no fear for him to smell. Chairs were knocked over and Blackheart shot his head towards the flying mist in the air.

"Abigor." he seemingly greets the man with pointed teeth.

"And when we find it...then what?" his voice seemed to vibrate. By this point, I was almost standing in the open, wanting to get a better look at my supposed soulmate, but again, I didn't know what any of their reactions would be like.

"Then we'll take this world...one city..." he speaks, placing his hands on a deadman's shoulders, leaning down as if he were whispering in his ear.

"At a time." he finishes, he demon voice showing. I found this very attractive and I caught myself biting my lip. I was now looking at a window which showed the reflection of Blackheart's face, although he still hadn't seen me.

"What about Mephistopheles?" Wallow questions, and I freeze. Yikes.

    Blackheart growls, and in the window I see his face turn a dark blue, the black veins stretching and becoming more prominent. I can see transparent, sharp teeth blend in against his skin, and when he opens his eyes they're pitch black. I bit my lip so hard it drew blood. Now, to any normal person, the sight of a demon would be very frightening and they would probably scream. Me however, due to the name on my wrist, found this sight irresistible.

"Don't. Ever. Say that name." the demon growls, stepping towards the trio of elementals. He growls again, and before I realize it, the three vanish.

"You can come out now," Blackheart speaks, his voice low and threatening; but it didn't scare me. I held my breath, now worried about if he was going to kill me.

"I can sense you," his dark voice appears next to me, causing me to jump and back into a wall. His dark eyes scan me over and I shiver under his gaze. He then locks eyes with my green ones and I now see just how blue his eyes are. He slowly steps towards me, lifting his pale hand and using his thumb to catch a drop of blood about to drip from my bitten lip.

"So, your name?" he growls and I lick my lips to moisten them; an act which he watches intensely.

"Aspen Fae." I reply, my voice smooth and unwavering.

"And why can I not smell your fear Aspen Fae?"

"Because I'm not scared of you," I answer, and his eyes shoot towards mine questioningly.

"You know what I am."


"And yet you fail to realize I could kill you with a single touch."

"You won't. You can't." I retort, a smirk of my own falling onto my face.

"And why not?" he smirks back challengingly.

"Because...we're soulmates."

Closer to You (Blackheart AU)Where stories live. Discover now