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~Aspen Fae~

    I was tied up inside a church, no clue as to how I got here. Part of the church was crumbling, and a few walls had fallen. Whispers surrounded me and I knew they belonged to the souls of those who made the deal with the devil. Soon I head a motorcycle and I knew the rider was here. Where was Blackheart?

"Stop! You change, she dies," I hear Blackheart shout. He was here!

"Do it, Johnny," I hear Roxanne say, and I knew I had to do something before Blackheart took the contract and accepted those 1,000 souls.

"Let her go," I hear the ride say angrily.

"Tell me where Aspen is." Blackheart demands.

"Let her go and I'll tell you," the rider replies. I'm surprised I could hear them, but to be fair the church was crumbling.

"Blackheart!" I yell as loud as I could.

"Aspen!" Blackheart yells, and I hear a girl grunt as if she had been thrown into a wall or onto the ground.

"Blackheart, I'm in the church!" I yell, struggling against the ropes that confined me. The church doors are slammed open, and Blackheart bursts in and his eyes seem to lighten at seeing me. He rushes over, pulling me to his chest in a hug before pulling back.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he asks, using his strength to break the ropes away. I shake my head 'no' as I wrap my arms around his torso.

"Blackheart! I'm not through with you yet!" the rider yells. Blackheart goes to turn around, but I grab his hand stopping him.

"Don't. Let's just go. If you trust me, you won't take the contract," I beg him.

"I don't want the contract anymore," he mutters softly, his blue eyes shining, "I just want you."

I see movement behind Blackheart and I look to see the rider holding a gun about to shoot Blackheart in the back.

"Look out!" I scream, shoving Blackheart out of the way as the gun goes off, taking the brunt of the impact.

"No!" Blackheart shouts, his eyes black with fury. I fall backwards, Blackheart capturing me in his arms. He slowly lays me down, cradling my body to his chest. I look up at him, and though I didn't think it was possible, his eyes were glossed over with unshedable tears.

"T-this was not how I p-pictured meeting my soulmate," I chuckle dryly before coughing. I couldn't feel any pain, only numbness as I reached up and placed my hand against his cheek.

"Johnny, no. Can't you see he's changed," I hear Roxanne speak from across the church. I look over and see the two watching us intently.

"Demon's don't change," Johnny growls, getting ready to point his gun at Blackheart again.

"Don't. Please," Blackheart speaks, glancing down at me, "I don't want that stupid contract!"

"You've just taken the most important thing in my life. Why?" he asks, and I can tell he's becoming more human.

"In order to defeat you, I needed to take away the only thing that had your dead heart. Her," Johnny informs him, venom dripping with every word.

"You crossed the line," Blackheart growls, and I place my hand on his chest. He looks down at me, and I can tell my breathing has become very shallow.

"Promise me. Promise me you won't hurt anyone else. Promise you'll be a good person. For me," I whisper, another cough racking my body.

"I-I promise," he whispers, and he leans down, pressing a soft kiss onto my lips. I smile softly as he pulls away before my world fades to black.

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