Chapter 5 - Brief History

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It might be a wrong move but Jisoo still tried, she discussed to her peers, the board of directors and the Australian facility about keeping Life and Death at the same place, and that's where she found out that they were seperated for a reason.

"As long as their not hostile, they're okay, right?" Lisa asked, kinda skeptical about her leader's plan but is still curious. What would really happen if they meet again? Will it make a change? Will the world end? Who knows? Taking care of Life means she's also learning about the angel's lover, she may be a powerful entity but she wants to meet her.

"Yeah, plus it will make Life a lot better. Her shortness of breath will go away." Jennie immediately agreed with this decision, though she's scared because Life might won't need her anymore and you don't know how close she is to the Angel. Death may or may not keep her away from Jennie, but again, who knows? South Korea has been treating Life pretty well, Death can be nice too.

"Let's see, me and my peers here are considering it. I hope yours too." Felix said from the other line. Death is really hard to contain and control specially when hostile, they've done everything but none of them work. Jisoo's plan is the last option.

"Alright, update us as soon as you can." Jisoo hanged up and leaned on her chair, a little tired from all the talking and researching she has done. There's two outcome, lovers that was seperated finally seeing each other again or the end of humanity.

You see, before the SPN Foundation was created, these supernatural beings were everywhere and free and most of them weren't so friendly. They were mad at the human race, all of them thinking that they do not belong in this earth and because of that, God and Satan himself brought their most powerful creation down on earth. The Angel of Life and The Angel of Death.

These two were ordered to keep the supernaturals in order, Light beings will be ordered by Life, while Dark beings will be ordered by Death. It was that simple, at first it was going okay until the human race were beginning to notice their presence. Humans started a revolution, kill all the monster that's living on earth.

Believe it or not, humans were so close to removing all of the supernaturals but they didn't know how powerful Life and Death is. A lot was harmed, hurt and it showed their true powers. In one fast minute, they killed half of the human race and if it weren't for Life giving them mercy, we wouldn't be alive right now, earth will belong to them. Those people who knew about their existence, created the foundation and promised to protect man kind from them.

Now, they work in secret, primary objective is to not let the outside world know about this organization because if they do, that history might happen again.

Life and Death was found hiding at an island near Hawaii, they lived there for centuries until they were captured. Falling in love with each other wasn't part of their orders, but love is indeed a mystery, they fell in love even when they're completely different from each other.

Due to that horrific incident, they were seperated. Life was brought to South Africa while Death was in Thailand but they weren't successful with containing them. Life kept on escaping due to the harsh treatment she keeps on recieving that gets worse everytime she gets captured again. Russia is her most hated country, they did things to her that only her lover should do to her. Death was always on a rampage, moving from a different country to another and killing anyone and anything on her way. Rage is the emotion she always feels after they were seperated, killing humans is her objective everytime she feels her lover get hurt. Life is a precious being that needs to be protected, Death promised her that but because of those pesky humans, she's having a hard time.

So overall, there won't be any problems if they met each other again, it might even make Death completely friendly. The only thing they should be careful of is not make them mad or upset at the same time, because if they do, all hells lose.


Hello! Just a little history about Life, Death and the foundation here. I hope you understand it. Thank you for reading!

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