Chapter 11 - Mine

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Members of Team Alpha looked at Jennie worriedly, not knowing what Roseanne wanted to talk about with her. Lisa gave her a reassuring nod before she followed the entity. Roseanne was already at their cell, waiting for her. After a few seconds, Lisa followed Jennie, not letting the two know about her presence, she wanted to see if her co worker was going to be okay.

Jennie closed the door when she arrived, she saw Roseanne standing there, staring at her with her arms crossed. She stood in front of her, her arms on her back.

"Why are you so close to Y/N?"

"Roseanne, I can't explain-"

"Answer my question, human."

Jennie cleared her throat.

"When we first got her, I was the first one who approached her and when she arrived here, she would always ask for me, Lisa and Jisoo unnie too."

Roseanne stepped closer to her, the agent was feeling a lot intimidated with how the angel is looking at her, you couldn't really read her emotions.

"I find you interesting, Jennie."


"Interesting enough to be mine."

"What are you-Ahh!"

Roseanne grabbed Jennie by her collar, hovering on top of her, pinning her to the bed. Jennie was very surprised with her action, it was unexpected, specially with what she told her.

"R-Roseanne! Get off me!" Jennie tried to get away, wiggling her body but it was no use, the angel on top of her was very strong and her grip looked like it won't come lose. Luckily for her, Lisa heard everything.

"Get off!" Lisa pointed her gun at Roseanne, even if she knows it won't help her much. The entity just looked at her, not caring about her presence and went back to Jennie.

"Lisa! Go get Y/N!"

Lisa immediately ran outside, good thing Y/N and Chungha was already done talking and was now making her way back with Jisoo. They both looked at Lisa curiously, but followed her when they saw her panicking.

"Roseanne!" They got inside the cell, seeing Roseanne on top of Jennie. Y/N felt her heart crack a little, seeing her lover on top of another woman hurt her a bit.

"Y/N help!"

Y/N got out of her senses, now knowing that Jennie was in danger and needed her help. She ran to the bed, grabbing a hold of her lover's waist from the back and pulling her off of Jennie. All of them, specially Roseanne, was surprised after seeing the vulnerable angel doing something that she normally can't do. The angels dropped to the floor with Y/N hitting her head on the process. Roseanne felt this and immediately carried Y/N on her arms while still on the floor.

"Y/N?! Love?!" Roseanne was gently slapping Y/N's cheeks, she could feel her getting unconscious.

Jennie stood up from the bed, collapsing in Jisoo's arms who was ready to catch her. Her mind was out of the place, thinking that she was gonna die if it wasn't for Y/N helping her.

They heard Roseanne yell, they looked at the couple and saw that Y/N was unconscious.

"Oh no, we have to leave now!"

Lisa and Jisoo helped Jennie, leaving the cell and locking the doors. Y/N got harmed again, they didn't want to be Roseanne's first target if she gets hostile. They watched through the window, waiting for her next move.

They could see tears from Roseanne's eyes and a stream of "sorry" coming out of her mouth, they opened the mic and heard her from the intercom.

"She's not hostile?"

"Do you want her to be?!"

"I don't mean that! This is just new."

They heard Roseanne sighing from relief, a smile on her face when Y/N finally opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry, my love."

"It's okay, just don't do that again."

"I know, I got carried away."

"Please don't hurt Jennie again, she's one of the reason why I got better."

They watched the scene happening in front of them, awwing when they saw how cute and sweet they are to each other.

"Apologize to her, okay?"

"I will, but for now, let's get you to the bed." Roseanne swiftly carried Y/N bridal style, carefully placing her on the bed. She got behind her lover, putting an arm around her and pulling close. Roseanne seems to be using Y/N's scent to calm down.

"That was cute." Lisa said, turning the mic off to give the couple some privacy. Jennie finally calmed down, not knowing why did Roseanne attacked her like that. When Lisa got outside and asked for help, the angel told her something.

'You will be mine, Jennie. You will follow and obey me, just like how Y/N does.'

Did Roseanne do something to Y/N back then? And what did she mean by obeying?


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