chapter ten.

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"that hurts!"
you winced as fred dabbed the cut on your elbow with a burning liquid.
"i told you it would,"
he laughed small with the shake of his head.
you swung your feet that were dangling off the sinks edge,
your heart still racing from today's earlier events.
or maybe it was the close vicinity you and fred shared in this bathroom,
his natural aroma dulling your once sharp senses.
"i'm sorry for acting loony these past few days,"
fred stood up straight and smiled,
"not to worry. we're good now."
you nodded and looked into his eyes that were flecked with gold.
you admired everything about him.
"you took quite the fall today,"
his voice was gentle as he moved a piece of your hair back,
examining the bruise on your cheekbone.
"yeah well, at least we're alive."
he tilted your head with the nudge of his finger,
then nodded.
"yeah we are."
he ran a smooth finger down your cheek and smiled that smile of his,
making the butterflies flutter around in your ribcage.
"i missed you,"
he spoke just barely above a whisper,
his finger at your chin.
he tilted your head up to level with him,
making you swallow hard.
"i missed you."

fred contemplated his next move.
oh, he wanted nothing more than to grab you and kiss you till your lips were numb.
but after last time he wasn't going to make another irrational decision on the account of being drunk from the smell of your perfume.

you two stared into each other's eyes,
then eyed each other's lips.
you ran your fingers through his hair and waited for him to make the next move,
and just as he was beginning to inch in,
there was a knock on the door.
"hurry up! mum says dinner is ready!"
you two laughed and felt your pumping hearts began to calm,
the trance between you two being broken.
"you sure you're alright?"
fred asked in his usual tone as he extended a hand to help you off the sink.
"yep. thank you for your help,"
you winked and took his hand,
leaving him to follow you to the dinner table.

"quite the turn you two had today!"
arthur spoke as you and fred sat down to eat.
"i apologize for wandering around. i-i really shouldn't have."
"not to worry, dear. all of our children have an unusual habit of wandering off into places they have no business in,"
she grimaced and looked to fred and george.
you giggled and felt the kick of george from under the table.
"not funny,"
he warned with a smile.
you shook your head and took a bite of your food.
"hard to believe christmas is just in a few days, isn't it?"
fred asked at your side.
"tell me about it. i still have gifts to get!"
"well i'm sure mum and dad will let me take the car tomorrow. only if you can keep from wandering off."
you two laughed together,
and fred was finally relived.
he had longed to hear your laugh at the expense of his own joke.
"that'd be greatly appreciated."
"great. i'll get you up bright and early sunshine,"
he winked and took a sip of his drink with a grin pulling at his lips.
"well get up!"
the voice startled you out of your dream,
and once your eyes peeled open you were face to face with fred weasley who was smiling proudly.
"gotta get up, love. got some shopping to do today! now, for me, i was thinking the new firebolt. nothing too serious,"
he joked,
making you giggle sleepily.

he stared at you as you laid in the bed quite motionless,
still trying to wake yourself up.
and as your sleepy smile grew with the messy hair flattened all around you,
he felt his heart swell in his chest.
he sat on the edge of your bed and watched your eyes barely open,
the sleep coating them immensely.
"just a few more minutes?"
you pleaded.
he laughed and nodded his head,
not being able to tell you no.
especially in a moment so private at this,
where no one got to see how you looked in the morning.
yet here he was,
experiencing it himself for the first time.
he got on his feet to leave before you called,

"lay with me, will you?"
his heart began to pound itself within him as he trailed back to where you laid,
getting rather comfortable with you just a few inches away.
he contemplated wrapping his arms around you,
but he couldn't help himself.
he begged to feel your warmth again,
and every issue within him came to peace as his chest pressed to your backside.
you fit into him perfectly.
you melted into his embrace and felt yourself drift off back to sleep in the arms of fred weasley,
a picture you had imagined for weeks.
fred couldn't help but place a kiss on your cheek while you slipped into your subconscious.
and you felt your cheek burn with intensity.
you smiled instantly upon waking up,
feeling fred's arms still wrapped around your waist.
his snores were soft and vibrated against your skin.
you wish you could stay here forever.
this is exactly what you had wanted for months now.
you turned your head and felt a cosmic wave of enamor for him.
hes a peaceful sleeper,
she thought.
but in all honesty fred had always been a restless sleeper from the day he was born.
but having you there wrapped in his arms provided him security and comfort he had never felt,
and for once he finally slept through without any interruptions.
you ran a finger down his jawline,
almost as he had done yesterday,
and watched him stir awake.
he spoke with a voice glazed in sleep.
"good morning,"
you returned and giggled,
hesitantly rising out of the bed.

fred stopped himself from grabbing you and pulling you back into the bed with him,
already craving the warmth you held.
"come on! we've got things to do!"
you smiled as you hovered over him,
your hair slinging itself around your shoulders.
he toyed with the ends of it and soon cupped your cheek,
caressing your soft and flawless face with his thumb.
you asked,
taking notice of his gaze that stared at you so intently.
"you're beautiful."
your cheeks went hot with heat at the words,
making you smile sheepishly.
"thank you."
he nodded and soon pulled his hand back,
making you ache as you began to miss his touch from the moment he broke contact.

"i'll meet you downstairs when you're ready."
you nodded and watched him close the door behind him,
leaving you to yourself again.
you collapsed on the bed and breathed happily,
your smile so big it was beginning to hurt your cheeks.
you finally began to get ready and spritzed your perfume around,
realizing you were ready.
everyone was downstairs for breakfast.
you exchanged your good mornings and took the empty seat next to harry and hermione,
right across from fred.
you ate and talked amongst yourself,
fred's feet secretly playing with yours under the table.
a childish attempt to keep your attention.
you would let out a soft giggle as the game continued,
although everyone would be rather confused.

"well y/n and i are going to go now."
"without me?"
george asked,
rising to his feet in shock.
"of course not, george! didn't think we'd have to invite you,"
you smiled and grabbed the handbag that completed your outfit.
"may i come too?"
hermione chirped up,
slowly getting to her feet.
you smiled at her shy expression and nodded,
"of course!"
"well come on! let's go!"

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