The Regent Diamond (Part-1)

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In the city of France, Paris, the criminal cases grew day by day. Paris’ government appointed many groups of detectives in these cases. The best team of detectives were The Defective Detectives, there leader was Oliver Bernard, he was famous in whole Paris for his intelligence. Among the team one detective was Alexandre Martin, His friends used to call him Alex. He was a small detective, he wasn't too much famous. But he was so intelligent, we can say that he was more intelligent than Oliver Bernard because, Oliver mostly used Alex's ideas, but as he was leader everyone knew only about him. Oliver never told that he uses the ideas of Alex in front of the media. Because of this Alex never got the credit of his ideas, all the credits Alex deserves, goes to Oliver. And he didn't say a word, he just thought that at least the cases are solved because of him it doesn't matter who took the credit. But this was unfair.
One day, in Paris’ most famous museum Louvre Museum, a team of gangsters done robbery of the world's famous and finest diamond, The Regent Diamond. That diamond is of 140.64 carats (28.128 g) its estimated value is about £48,000,000. Robbery was done on exact 12:00 am at midnight when the museum was closed, only the guards were present. For Paris's government it was a really big shock, they appointed the team of The Defective Detectives in this case. For investigation, they asked to the guards that what happened at the time of the robbery. Guards explained that suddenly all the lights of the museum switched off, than a smoke came inside the museum because of that smoke, they all slept, after that what happened they didn't know. The only clue Oliver found that was the footprint near the place diamond was kept, it was surely of the robber because no one was allowed to go that much near of the diamond. On that foot print the shoe number was also there it was 7. But in whole Paris there were many people with same shoe number, Oliver got confused. He tried to get some clues from CCTV cameras, but he failed. In CCTV cameras nothing was visible because of smoke.
Oliver was so much pressurized, he wasn't able to find anything, and the whole Paris was depending on him. Everyone was cursing Oliver, because he was taking too much of the time. Oliver thought, to pretend as he was ill, and put all the load of work on Alex. He did the same, Alex was on his vacations, Oliver called him at that time Alex was having lunch with her girlfriend, Chloe Richard. Oliver told all the story to Alex and said that he can't help because he is ill. After listening this Alex hurriedly got back to work. Alex did all of his best for investigation. He thought with a cold mind, that if only guards were present  than how anyone else can come and do all of this. He checked the number of guards it was 30. And then checked the CCTV cameras recording of 10 minutes before of robbery. In that there were 35 guards. Now he understood the plan of robbers. Among the team of gangsters first five robbers came inside the museum and dressed like the guards. Then one of the gangsters gone and off the main switch of lights. Then those were dressed like guards, they wore the gas mask and then spread the sleepy gas all over. And then they took the diamond. Alex tried to get the fingerprints, but he didn't get, because the robber was wearing the gloves while robbery.

Did Alex get any other clue?

How will he find the robber?

Will he passed in searching the robber?

Who robbed the diamond?

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