Ch.37 Between Time and Space Itself

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~We'd finally made it home to Paris, only to find a place we hardly recognized! It was obvious Le Paradox was now in control, since his face covered the city like a bad rash... The only positive was that Bentley was able to dig up a lot of dirt, including the fact that Le Paradox was apart of a family of thieves himself, and then, we made a major discovery... I knew that my dad and Rae's mom's heist of the world's largest diamond and sapphire had made them legendary thieves, but what I never knew was that Le Paradox's father had planned to steal them both first, and frame our parents for the crime! ...Only, he was a little too slow, and got himself caught instead. With his father gone, Le Paradox had no one to teach him the family business, and after a string of failed jobs, he wound up in prison himself. It was here, ironically, that he finally got his criminal education. After his release though, Le Paradox maintained the appearance of a "law-abiding citizen." In reality though, he used his prison contacts to form his own syndicate, and began masterminding heists worldwide! These days, he'd traveled the world as a billionaire art collector, while his real business was the trafficking of priceless stolen treasures. Clearly, he blamed both the Cooper's and the Vixen's for his past misfortunes, and his plan...was to wipe us out completely! I had to find a way to stop him, but first, I had to rescue Rae~


"Alright, we all know this is our last shot at stopping Le Paradox and rescuing Rae!" Bentley said as he began a quick presentation for Sly, Murray, and Carmelita. "Currently, his blimp is docked outside the museum, and though I can't pinpoint Rae's exact location, I can confirm that she's somewhere near the loading bay. Sly, there appears to be a utility hatch on the blimp's underside that will get you inside; you can use one of the mooring lines to reach it. Once you're in, try to gather as much information as you can, but remember, we'll be right behind you, so...don't do anything rash, okay?"

Sly frowned a bit. "When it comes to someone taking what I care about most away from me, adding on to the fact that this fraud is trying to destroy mine and Rae's legacy, I'm not making any promises, Bentley." Sly folded his arms.

Carmelita sighed. "Would you just hold off on doing anything stupid until we arrive?" She exasperated.

"Actually, Carmelita, are you sure you still wanna keep going with this?" Bentley asked.

"That sleazy gas cloud played everyone like a fiddle, and then had the audacity to drag me into this mess too, so I'm going to see this through till the end and put that skunk behind bars, for good!" She proclaimed.

"Just so long as you're aware of what you're getting yourself into." Bentley gave forewarning.

"I've accepted the fact that I was dragged through time and forced to work with a band of thieves. At this point, I can live with my conscious knowing I was able to stop the man behind this mess."

"In that case, Murray, I'll need you to get the van ready, because we're gonna need some backup for this one, but first, we're gonna be going on a little recruiting trip. Afterwards, we'll rendezvous with Sly inside the blimp and figure out our next move." Bentley finished explaining. "Okay, I realize that it's not the most elaborate plan ever, but it's the best we've got. So, everyone watch your backs, and let's go take that skunk down, once and for all!"

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