Chapter 7

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*Time Skip to after they find their room*

Yamaguchi's POV:

I walked into the room and set my stuff down by where Tsukki put his stuff, but by the time I turned around he was gone. I looked around the room and everybody else was still here so where was Tsukki?

"Hey. Has anyone seen Tsukki? He was just here a second ago but now he is gone." I asked the room. Everyone looked around in confusion except Suga and Daichi.

"I think he went to go talk to Kuroo." Suga said hesitantly as he probably knew it would upset Yamaguchi.

I looked down in disappointment. He went to go see Kuroo again. Why? Am I not good enough to keep him entertained? Am I too annoying? Why? Why did he leave me?

After I zoned back into the world around me, I realized that the team was staring at me. So, I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I reached the bathroom and went to one of the stalls. I just walked in shut the door and started crying. Was I not good enough for Tsukki? Was he going to replace me with Kuroo? While still crying I reached into my pants pocket and grabbed my pen.

'can we talk?' I asked my soulmate. About two minutes pass and finally they answered.

'yeah. What do you want to talk about?' (t)

'Anything. Maybe just facts about ourselves or something.' (y)

'sure. What do you want to know?' (t)

'How old are you? What is your favorite color? And what is your gender?' I write quickly with blurry eyes.

'I am 16 and two months. My favorite color is green, and I am a male. What about you?' Is what I see written across my arm.

I reply with hesitation because they are also a guy, 'I just turned 16 today. My favorite color is yellow, and I am also a male.' I wait for a minute for him to scribble something back, but nothing ever comes. I sit in doubt of myself. They probably aren't a gay freak like you are. They wont love you. Give up now and don't get your hopes up.

As I was thinking these thoughts and crying all over again, I feel a tickle on my arm. Looking down I read, 'that's cool. Do you have any other questions you want to ask?'

My mind slows on the self-doubts and starts thinking of more questions.

'Where do you live? Do you have siblings? Do you play any sports?' (y)

'I live in the Miyagi prefecture in Japan. I have one older brother. And I play volleyball.' (t) He answered so quickly which made me feel loved. I wrote back my answers quickly as well to maybe make him feel the same way.

'I also live in the Miyagi Prefecture. I don't have any siblings. And I also play volleyball.' That's kinda crazy that we live in the same prefecture and both play volleyball. I wonder if I know them. Do they go to my school? Is it someone on the team? Ahh so many questions were running through my head that I didn't know what to ask next.

As I finally figured out what I was going to ask next someone came in the bathroom looking for me.

It was Suga. I could hear the worry in his voice when he asked if I was in here and if I was okay. I answered yes to both of them swiftly and wiped my eyes of any leftover tears. After wiping my eyes, I walked out of the stall and went to wash my hands and splash water on my face to get rid of the tear stains on my cheeks.

Suga watched me closely as I cleaned myself. I could tell he was concerned. He asked me again if I was okay, and I tried to stay strong but his soothing voice just made me break into another fit of tears. I couldn't help it. Suga was like a mom to me and I just couldn't hold it from him. I lunged into his arms and cried on his shoulder. He stood there rubbing circles into my back and reassuring me that everything was gonna be okay.

After a few minutes I calmed down slightly and released Suga from my death grip.

"What's wrong Yamaguchi? What happened? You can talk to me it's okay."

I hesitated. Was it really okay? Could I really tell him?

"I I-um uh. Why d-did Tsukki leave me? Why does he keep going to Ku-Kuroo? Am I not good enough f-for him? Is he replacing me? IsitbecauseheknowsIlikehimandhegotdisgusted?" (is it because he knows I like him and got disgusted?) "Ishelaughingatme?" (Is he laughing at me?)

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Slow down Yamaguchi. Its okay you are fine. He isn't replacing you."

"He is replacing me. I knew I was never good enough for him."

"Yamaguchi listen to me. He isn't leaving you. You are fine. Tsukishima just has some 'business' to take care of with Kuroo."

"What business?" I ask stiffly. I see Suga tense up and look around as if looking for something to say.

"What business?" I ask again getting upset that he wasn't answering. What is he hiding? What business does Tsukki have with Kuroo? Why do I not know about this?

Suga finally answers my question with a simple "I can't tell you." This shocks me. Why can't I know? Tsukki is my best friend yet I know nothing about what is going on. I storm out of the bathroom and back to the team's room.

Slamming the door open I look for Tsukki. After scanning the room, I find that he is not there, however I do notice everyone's shocked faces as I close the door behind me.

"Where is Tsukki?" I ask anger evident in my voice.

"He is still with Kuroo. Why do you ask?" Daichi says with worry written on his face.

"I want to know why he is with Kuroo. I know that some of you are aware of the reason. Now talk" I yell angerly. The whole team looks around at each other and starts whispering. However, some people aren't the best whisperers.

"Why can't we tell him? He's gonna find out anyway." I hear someone say

"Do you know what Saltyshima is doing? Maybe he is confessing his love." Another person murmurs. This comment made me freeze. Was he really in love with Kuroo? I guess I never really stood a chance.

With that persons comment fresh on my mind I ran out of the room looking for Tsukki. I can't let him leave me. I don't want to be left behind. I don't want to be alone again. I ran through the halls searching for him.

His voice! I heard his voice! It was quite but I still heard it. It was in a gym. I sprinted towards the gym with fear clouding my mind.

"I love you and I think you are my soulmate." That was the line I heard. The line that crushed my heart into a million pieces. I wish I could unhear that, but I can't. I no longer cared where I was running, I just ran. Somehow, I ended up back in the bathroom stall. Sitting on the toilet I wept.

*Back to after they got the room set up*

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