Chapter 10

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Yamaguchi's POV:

I sprinted through my team to get to the gym. I had to talk to Tsukki. I had to figure out what was really happening.

I reached the gym, hesitating at the door I took a few deep breaths. I slammed the door open and jumped inside. When I entered, I looked around the room and saw streamers and balloons everywhere, but now was not the time for that. In the middle of the gym sat Kuroo and Tsukki. Tsukki looked to be unconscious, while Kuroo just sat there with Tsukki's head on his legs. This upset me because of two things. 1. Tsukki was unconscious and 2. Tsukki had his head on Kuroo's lap. That should be my lap.

I ran over to the pair and kneeled beside Tsukki.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He passed out after he saw you running away." Was the answer that Kuroo gave me.

"Why would he pass out from me running away?"

"He thought you hated him that's why. He thought that you heard him confess and now you hate him because of it."

"I don't hate him for loving you, I just wished he would have told me before hand and stopped avoiding me. I was scared that he hated me and was gonna leave me."

"What do you mean loving me?" Kuroo asks with a face of confusion.

'Wow thanks for playing dumb' I thought to myself. "He literally just confessed to you Kuroo why are you playing dumb?" I said anger evident in my voice.

"That confession wasn't directed towards me. It was practice for when he was going to confess to someone else." Kuroo said back with a slight chuckle.

"Who is he practicing for?" I asked hopefully. Only to be met with another brick wall.

"That's for Tsukishima to tell you." He explained while looking down at Tsukki's resting face. I looked down at Tsukki too and realize that I will have to wait to talk to him. The three of us moved to the wall to sit and wait for Tsukki to wake up.

Some time passed and both teams were now in the gym waiting for Tsukki to awaken from his sleep. Suddenly his fingers start to move, which gained everyone's undivided attention. Tsukki slowly moved into an upright position and blinked his eyes open.

"Good morning." Kuroo said with a smirk on his face. At this point I was the only one still beside Tsukki on the wall, causing us to be closer together than anyone else. As he looks around the room, he sees me sitting next to him and freezes up. His breath starts to quicken and he looks around the room with a face that screams please help. I pat his shoulder lightly to get his attention. He flinches away from my touch but looks at me.

"Can we talk?" I ask hesitantly, as if he would instantly turn me down or yell at me. Weakly he said "sure" and started to get to his feet. We walked out of the gym to have a little privacy.

"Are you okay?" I ask sympathy evident in my voice.

"I'm fine." He answers sternly. He is shifting and messing with his glasses. He only moves his glasses like that when he is nervous or uncomfortable. I must be making him uncomfortable.

"So, I heard you talking with Kuroo about your soulmate and how you love them. Do you know who they are or were you just saying that to him?" There was a long pause that seemed to last an hour while Tsukki was trying to think of what he wanted to say.

"I do know who it is. I figured it out today." He said while looking at the ground, still messing with his glasses.

"Is it Kuroo?" I ask with little confidence in myself.

"No." he says extremely quick. "Its not him. It's someone else."

I decided to ask the question I have been waiting to ask for the past hour or so. "Who is it?" He flinches at the question and hesitates for just a moment before saying, "Its someone I've known for a while now. He is very close to me and is one of my greatest friends." He pauses looking up from the ground. "It's you Yama."

'Yama?' I thought to myself, 'He never calls me Yama. It's me? I'm his soulmate and he is mine.' I stare him in the eyes as if searching for any hint of untruthfulness. I look around for any hidden cameras waiting to jump out screaming 'we got you' or 'you just got pranked.' My thoughts were running wild and I forgot that I never answered Tsukki's confession.

"You are serious?" I said checking one more time that this truly reality and not some illusion.

"Yes Yama, I'm serious." He said this with the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. With joy I leap forward into his arms. I give him the tightest hug I could manage and whispered

"I love you Tsukki."

With those four words spoken into the moonlit air, the gym doors burst apart with cheers and claps coming from inside. We look over our shoulders to see both teams smiling at us. Some had tears in their eye's others had their phones out recording the whole conversation. I hugged Tsukki tighter and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I have a surprise for you." He whispered into my ear. "I know it's a little late since you have already seen it but Happy Birthday." He said in a joy filled murmur. He then leads me into the gym filled with decorations and food.

"I set this up for your birthday so we could celebrate together. Then I was going to confess to you when I gave you your gifts, but things didn't go as planned." He stated all this with a blush and slight chuckle at the end. He continued walking leaving me at the table with food. He marched over to the corner and grabbed a bag and a small box. After grabbing these items, he walked back over to me and handed me that bag.

"This one is more for me." He stated with a darker blush reddening his face. I slowly took the bag and opened it. Inside was a onesie. A DINO onesie. I looked at it and started to laugh. Of course, Tsukki would get me to wear a dino onesie.

"Thank you." I managed through the laughs. "I love it."

"There's more." He mumbled messing with his glasses again.

He handed me the small box. I looked at the brand name on top and recognized it as a famous jeweler. Whatever is in this box it must be expensive. I hesitantly remove the lid from the box acting as if I went to fast the box would explode. Inside were two silver rings. They were plain bands with small writing on them. I plucked one of the rings from the box and read 'Tsukki' I looked at the other quickly and read 'Yama'. My heart skipped a beat. This was the most beautiful gift I have ever received. They had our nicknames and everything. I knew which one was mine and put it on immediately. I smiled happily as it fit perfectly.

"I love you." I screamed as I jumped into his arms for the second time of the night.

No one's POV:

After they finished hugging the rest of the team and some of Nekoma gave Yamaguchi a gift. Nothing could compare to the rings that Tsukishima got for him, but he loved them all none the less. They all went to bed and finished their training camp the next day (even though they didn't do much training the first day.) Then they went home.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were soulmates and that was all that mattered to them. Thus, they lived a happy life together. Even through thick and thin they stuck it out together.


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