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I went inside Cameron's apartment which he hadn't cleaned at all! Cameron put my bags down and went to get me some water (doctor's orders). He hadn't spoken to me the whole ride to his apartment so things were wildly awkward.

I sat on the couch, lost in my deep dark thoughts when Cameron cleared his throat. He stood in front of me and handed me my water. He then sat on the couch across from mine and lemme just say daggers were thrown. I slurped the water down awkwardly while my throat seemed to be closing up. The last thing I wanted was for Cameron to take me back to hospital without this shit resolved.

I put the glass of water on the coffee table and cleared my throat causing Cameron to look at me. "The man came to visit me yesterday." I said nervously. "What man?" he said quite annoyed. "The man who attacked us..." I said choking up. "Did he hurt you?!" he said showing a little more concern. "No, no. He told me.. um that.. he is my...uhm. biological father." I sighed. "What?" he said not believing me one bit. "He said that he's my father." I said. "Ugh. Whatever Alexia." he said walking off. "Cameron! I believe him!" I said almost getting off of the couch. Cameron stopped dead on his tracks and turned around slowly. "He's not your father! All you do is lie! That's all you ever do! I'm shocked that you couldn't recognise a good lie when you hear one!" he walking off again. "Cameron. J-just help me. Please, I beg you! I wanna know if he's lying." I begged now at the edge of the couch.

I never knew my biological parents so honestly it was easy to believe that the man was my father. Tootie never mentioned anything about my parents except for the fact that they were somehow workers at Cora's family farm which I found hard to believe. The worst part was that I need Cora to help me find out more information because all my family documents are in her parents possession.

"Not every man who says that they're father, is actually your father. Would a father kill his own daughter?" he said sternly, causing me to die out. "Didn't think so." he said walking into his bedroom and slamming the door.

I was hurt and confused, why would this dude just claim he's my father and the only reason I believed him so easily was because he's the only man who's ever came forward and said that they're my dad!
Where's Cora?

This is a slight recap:
Dylan might be dead but
Alexia's alive.
Cameron's probably gonna lose his mind but
Tierney has been the glue holding everyone together.
Cora's disappeared and
the man/attacker has made an unexplainable claim..

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