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"So lemme get this straight. You ditched your girlfriend on the side of the freeway?" Tierney said in a you-dumbass-bitch tone. "So she could be anywhere right now and you don't even care?" Tierney said getting angry. "Look. She's hurt me, lied to me and almost got me killed! I love her but I don't really love her actions." I said looking at the floor.

Tierney sat down on the couch and stared at me in depth. "Cameron, you need to grow up!" Tierney said breaking the silence. "Grow up? Tell that to your friend who's trying to get me killed!" I yelled. "Shut the fuck up and go find her!" Tierney yelled grabbing me by the arm and pulled me out of the apartment. "No! Tierney, you need to understand. I love Alexia with all my heart but I can't keep doing this! It's just hard." I said starting to cry. "Fine! I'll go find her!" Tierney said walking out the door.

"Fuck!" I said slamming my fist on the kitchen counter out of frustration. I picked up my phone and tried to call Alexia, I was hoping that she had found it but it sent me straight to voice mail.

I stomped over to my bedroom and violently opened the closet that had Alexia's things. I pulled the clothes out and right at the bottom of the closet was a small box. I pulled it out and opened it. There was the wedding ring and the note that I proposed to her with.

"Ma'lady." I said leading my girlfriend to a table with a view. "Wow! This shit is beautiful!" Alexia said referring to the view making me laugh. "Sit. I already ordered everything so don't worry." I said to her but she wasn't really listening to me, she was too hypnotised by the view.

I thought that it was the perfect time to ask her the big question. "Alexia. Look at me." I said snapping my fingers in front of her face. "Okay, okay. I'm back!" she said laughing. I looked at her beautiful face and reached out under the table and grabbed the small box.

"Before you start stuffing your face, I want you to have this box." I said giving her the box. She took it and smiled curiously at me. She opened the box and saw the ring with a little note next to it. "Cameron!" she screamed getting emotional. "Read the note!" I said. "Alexia, somehow you've made me love you more than I could ever imagine (if that's even possible) now stop smiling and put the ring on your finger and make me the happiest man on planet earth." she read the note out loud crying/laughing.

She wiped the tears off of her face and slid the ring on her finger. She looked up at me and smiled. "Mrs. Boyce.." she said smirking and kissing my cheek. "I like the sound of that.." she said laughing and looking at the ring. "Now. Lemme give you a big fat kiss!" she said, I smirked and puckered up. I heard her making kissy noises and realised that she was kissing the ring. We both laughed and she came closer kissing me on the cheek.

The rest of the night was pretty much flawless and I knew that Alexia was definitely the girl for me.

~Flashback Over~

"I gotta get my girl back." I mumbled to myself and then I realised that Alexia hasn't worn her ring since that day! I sighed and sat on the floor, thinking about all the reasons I should leave Alexia and all the reasons I should stay with her.

I was getting rather emotional at the thought of never seeing the love of my life ever again. Nobody's perfect and I've also made mistakes so I really thought I should give her a chance to explain herself. The ring thing on the other hand was a bit suspicious, I mean she was so happy that I proposed but then she doesn't wear the darn ring, like whaat!

Sorry that I haven't updated in ages but you know how it is, school, sports, choir, friends, boys, it can all get a bit much sometimes but don't worry, I'm still here and I still love you my little munchkins.

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