Chapter 14 ~ Move on? ~

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~ Zander's POV ~

"Hiya Alexander!"

"Hello, Edgar," I said automatically, turning to him.

"Did you know, there was a boy in my class saying you're friends with the-" Suddenly a tall boy with red curly hair, swooped behind Edgar.

"Edgar! Dear, there you are!" He bear hugs Edgar from behind, making Edgar, crimson red.

"A-amos?" He looks up at the taller boy.

"I've been looking for you. Now, now, you're gonna be late for your first class." He says then pulls Edgar away from us. "Thank you for keeping my boyfriend company, Jake, and Alexander!" He says waving at us. "My gosh, Edgar, you need to control yourself around other boys, or I might lose it, hahaha!" He laughs maniacally, while he was dragging, the crimson-faced Edgar away.

"See you, Alexander!" Edgar shouted, and they were gone...

"What's a boy in his class saying about? You're friends with the who?" Jake wondered.

"The Slytherin's heir, thinking I was the heir." We were surprised as Drew suddenly appeared behind us.

"People here will believe anything," I say in disgust. Drew nods.

I heard Jake cough, and he hides behind me, then buried his face on my back, clutching my robe.

"Is something wrong with Jake?" Drew asked, a bit worried.

"Ah, he-" I started as I was thinking of a reason, Jake still didn't tell them, so that means I'm the only one who knew.

"He forgot to take his cough m-medicine!" I lied.

"Hahaha- I'll take him to the Hospital Wing-" I said then carried Jake in bridal style, while he was covering his mouth.

"See you later Drew!" I said and walked away.

"O-okay! Bye..." I heard him say back.

"Zander, you idiot," Jake whispered still clutching on my robe.

"What? Do you want him to know?" I asked.

"N-no. But lying to my best friend- That's a bit too much."

"We'll let him find out on his own."

"How would he do that?" He looks up at me.

"He'll know sooner or later, besides we're acting a bit suspicious, so he'll catch on." I grinned. I saw him blush and once again, he covers his face with his hands.

As I was walking through the corridors, I see how the students look at us, with disgust, and enmity.

"Never knew, Jake would be gay."



I heard Jake whimper. I pulled him closer, and I let out a low growl. They gasped and whispered about.

Then I see Milly walking down the corridor, she was clutching a book. And is now, walking towards me. She glares at the whispering students.

"Oi! Shut the hell up! If I hear anyone whispering, I won't hesitate to hex you repeatedly." She says, in a cold but loud voice, threatening the students. "C'mon Zander, let's go." She gestures me to follow her.

"Thanks, Milly."

"Oooh, so where are you gonna take Jake?" She says, wiggling her brows.

"Stop doing that Milly." I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm just gonna take him to the hospital wing."

(Book 1) Alexander Taylor: The Hidden Chamber (A 'TMF' & 'Harry Potter' AU)Where stories live. Discover now