Chapter 18 ~ It's for the best, my friend ~

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A week after Edgar was attacked, after their 4th class of the day, Jake immediately ran to the closest bathroom which was Grieving Liana's place, with Alexander following him.

*cough* *cough* *cough"

That and water splashing is the only sound you can hear inside the abandoned female bathroom, Alexander was patting Jake's back as he continued to cough out, blood and flower petals. That's right, no more thorns and leaves.

After spending some time with Daisy that week, he realized he only liked her as a sister. Still, he confessed to her but got rejected immediately. He knew it was coming, and he cried in Drew's arms. Moving on was hard, but it's for the best right?

"Are you done, Jake?" Alexander asked as he waited if Jake was gonna cough out again.

Ayanna hovered above them, worried about Jake's well-being.

"Why haven't you told anyone you have Hanahaki? Alexander and the nurses are an exception." Ayanna said.

"I just didn't want to worry anyone else," Jake said, licking his lips.


"I don't want them to waste their time on me." Alexander holds him by the waist because Jake was losing his balance.

"How long have you had this?"

"5 weeks and 3 days."

"Who was the reason?"

"A girl, with white hair, and light blue eyes."

"Snowdrop Blanche?" Ayanna said, and Jake snorted.

"No, it's Daisy Blanche, her little sister, she rejected me 2 days ago." He said holding on to the flower crown on his head, they put a spell on the flowers, so they wouldn't wither quickly.

Alexander heard something in another stall.

"What was that?" Zander raised a brow at Ayanna.

"Who knows, might be Liana, or another ghost." She took a deep breath. "I heard another student was attacked, who was it?" She said, changing the subject.

"A Griffindor called Edgar Thompson. You know him?" Zander asked.

"Oh? The short 5th year, with the muggle camera?" Alexander nodded.

"Oh! I think the thing that has been attacking the students, is also the thing that killed me and Liana." She whispered.

"Wait what? T-tell us more."

"I was comforting Liana because some git made fun of her glasses," Ayanna said softly. "As I turned to open the door and leave her alone... I remember staring into a pair of large yellow orbs... Then I died..." Alexander felt Jake tense up, Jake coughed one last time, then he removes Alexander's hands on his waist.

"Let's go, Zander," Jake said standing up straight, wiping his mouth, and flushed the toilet. "We'll find out what killed you." He told Ayanna and turned to face Alexander, who has his hand on his hip.

"Are you sure about that McCartney?" Alexander asked in a serious tone.

"Certainly." He said as he leaned on Alexander's shoulder. "And besides, I'm getting better, thanks to a certain someone, who's always there for me." He said, looking at Alexander.

Alexander playfully rolled his eyes, and carried Jake in bridal style, shocking Jake and making him squirm around on Alexander's arms.

"H-hey! I didn't tell you to carry me, you git!" Jake screamed, blushing furiously. "Put me down, you prat!" He spat.

Alexander unaffected by Jake's insults, hummed as he carries Jake out of the stall towards the door.

"Bye boys! Come back anytime." Ayanna beamed as the two walks out the bathroom door, and she then floated towards another stall.

~ Luke's POV ~

"Luke, Sean, Daisy, they're gone now," Ayanna said popping her head in the door of the stall. "Bye, I'm gonna go annoy Vinson." She said as she hovered away, into the ceiling above us.

We were in a stall beside where the stall Jake threw up, we heard everything. And Daisy has this sad look on her face, feeling guilty.

I opened the door, about to walk out but Sean pulled me back in and closed the door, pinning me to the side of the cubicle, I blushed, as he placed a peck on my lips, then he let me go and turned to Daisy.

Daisy sat on the toilet cover, crying her eyes out.

"I-i didn't know he liked me before I started dating Hailey... And I-i didn't know he has H-hanahaki, because I couldn't return his f-feelings!" She cried, looking up to us. Her tears were a waterfall. Sean gets on one knee, and he pats Daisy's head.

"He'll move on soon enough Flower." He assured her, and I frown at the nickname he gave Daisy. "And besides, it looks like he took a liking to Zander, right Luke?" Sean said and looked at me.

"Yup, I noticed, Jake was a bit clingy to Alexander these past few weeks," I said, nodding.

"And he said he's getting better. Because Hanahaki can kill a person if it reached 5-6 weeks, flowers will grow in his lungs, until he can't breathe." Sean said. "And Jake said he was on his 6th week, and he's still fine, as we figured out earlier, from his screams."

"But still, I don't know if I will ever forgive myself..." Daisy's voice drifted off as she mumbled things under her breath, but she still has her occasional sobbing.

Sean looked at me, a bit confused, I returned the look. And after a few minutes of silence, Daisy stopped sobbing. Daisy stood up and smiled.

"I guess all we could do is, help them find the culprit." She said as she wipes her tears away. "For Hogwarts!" She stands up and gestures us to high-five and we did. "And, the most exciting part of this is, we'll make the Poly Juice Potion, and be someone in Slytherin, I read about the Chamber of Secrets and one of the co-founders of Hogwarts. I read that 'Salazar Slytherin' was the one that made the Chamber!" She excitedly said. "Oh right! And I'll get the ingredients for the Poly Juice Potion!" She said, and we opened the door for her as she ran past us.

"She's a special one, isn't she Sean?" I said.

"Yup, special indeed," Sean replied, and we smile then stared at each other lovingly.

"C'mon now, let's go. Professor Blume might threaten to feed us to the Chompers." I said and chuckled, ruining the moment.

"Right." He pouted and kissed my forehead.

When me and Sean left the bathroom, a lot of students were looking at us. We blushed when we realize, we came out of a girl's toilet.

"Now, how would we reason this out?"

Word count: 1092

(Book 1) Alexander Taylor: The Hidden Chamber (A 'TMF' & 'Harry Potter' AU)Where stories live. Discover now