Chapter 1 ~ Jake who? ~

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~ Alexander's POV ~

We went on our way to the Gryffindor table, and I waved at Milly who was at the Hufflepuff table, sitting beside a boy with pink hair and round glasses. She stands up and waves goodbye to the boy and ran to me and Hailey.

"Good morning sleepy head! Had a good night's sleep? You were tired when we arrived yesterday." She beamed skipping beside us, to where Sean and Luke are.

"Yeah, I had a VERY good night's sleep, that I even had a damn wet dream," I told myself. "Yup, I did have a good sleep," I said and smiled quite awkwardly.

"Good morning, Zander!" Luke happily greeted me, as I sit beside him.

"Good morning." I lazily said back. "What's up?" He and Sean have this look on their faces, that I can't figure out what they meant.

"You know that Jake McCartney from Slytherin?" Luke started.

"Jake, who now?" I said confused.

"You don't know him!?" Milly screamed and covered her mouth, as the headmistress glared at her.

"Is he a new wizard?" I asked, pouring grape juice into my cup.

Just then the door to the Hall opened up with a bang. And it revealed 4 male, and 2 female Slytherins, I can't make out who they were yet, but the male on the front had blond hair. The three boys behind him, one was short and had green hair, one was as tall as the blond boy, and had like a mix of red and purple hair, and the last one was the tallest of the group and had brown hair. The two girls, one was dark-skinned and had black hair, while the other one was also blond, with colored tips.

"Jeez, talk about a dramatic entrance." Hailey sighed and rolled her eyes.

The hall was filled with whispers and gasps, as the 4 male Slytherins walked towards our table. The two females went straight to their table.

I thought they were gonna talk to someone at our table, but then I got shivers when they stopped behind me.

"Hi there princess, it's been a while, having a bad day, or is it your time of the month?" He said referring to Hailey who is seated across me. Hailey rolled her eyes once again and ignored him. "Oh, hello there Taylor-" The guy was about to touch my shoulder but Luke grabbed his hand away.

"Where did I hear that voice again?" I thought. "Lu-" I started when I got cut off.

"What do you want McCartney ?" Luke said in a serious tone.

"Chill, I just want to greet him good morning." He said.

I looked behind me and saw who McCartney actually was, and I felt my blood boil. He was the one I rejected to shake hands with when we were in our first year.

I thought he was expelled, because of bullying a lot of students and that included me and Hailey. I stood up and went in between them.

"Why are you back!?" I pointed my wand at him.

The professors got alarmed and were about to stand up when the headmistress told them to sit down. She knows what to do when things get out of hand.

"I could ask the same for you, why weren't you expelled? Wandering the corridors at night with your invisibility cloak, and doing magic in front of those Muggles you live with, wonder why they let you stay?" He smirked. "With 'Alexander Taylor' and his famous scar." He added.

"Why you little-" Luke was also gonna take out his wand but I held his wrist.

"Don't, Luke." He nodded and backed off.

"C'mon Zandy, let your boyfriend protect you." He laughed, along with his so-called friends.

"Don't call me that, you git!" I shouted.

"Zander please calm down, don't let anger get the best of you," Hailey called out to me, her voice full of concern.

I pocketed my wand and faced Luke. I hear McCartney and his goons laugh, and I found the perfect time to, ball my fist, spun around, and punch McCartney straight in the face. I heard a lot of gasps and giggles.

"What the hell!?" He cries out, as he topples over. His purple-haired friend catching him.

"I've lost my appetite, I'll go to class early," I told Hailey and the others.

They nodded and I strolled along. Before I walked out the door. I looked back at Jake McCartney who's rubbing his nose bridge.

"Oh, and by the way McCartney, you never changed! You're still a prat!" I shouted and slammed the door shut.

I shake the hand I used to punch McCartney.

"That felt good," I said to myself and skipped along the hallway going to my first class.

(Book 1) Alexander Taylor: The Hidden Chamber (A 'TMF' & 'Harry Potter' AU)Where stories live. Discover now