Chapter 24 ~ An unknown visitor ~

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2 weeks after the incident... Everything was kinda normal again... Though Professor Montero, was unable to return next year because he needs to go away to get his memories back, Éxypnos announced before the morning feast.

"It's such a shame, he was starting to grow on me." Drew sighed, looking at his phone gallery filled with Montero's drooling sleeping face that he took while they were down at the chamber, underneath the table. Liam and Henry shook their head at their friend.

Lia and Zoey were talking to Snowdrop, asking details about what happened at the Chamber.

Jake was staring outside the window, not listening to what his friends were saying. Then he stood up to leave, he waved goodbye to his friends and went to visit a friend.

"Daisy!" A familiar voice said, Daisy looked back, and she gasped as she saw a messy-haired Hailey, running towards her. She got surprised as Hailey embraced her.

"Glad to have you back sweetheart," Daisy said and kissed the cheek of Hailey.

"Hi, Hailey, why don't you sit with us for breakfast?" Asked Stacy, who is sitting across Daisy. Hailey smiled and nodded.

"Okay! I'd be happy too!" She said and sat on a space beside Daisy.


Amos was sulkily drinking his orange juice, but he accidentally spit it out when arms were suddenly wrapped around him, he looked back, and saw a wild-haired, Edgar, smiling at him. He quickly stood up and faced Edgar then pulled him into a tight hug.

"I missed you, Edgar." He said and then kissed the shorter boy passionately, with his hands wrapped around Edgar's waist. Edgar got surprised at first but he also kissed back. They didn't care about the crowd cheering and clapping around them.

Elliott... He was surprised when he heard the news, that Millicent was the one that opened the Secret Chamber. He looked over to the Gryffindor table, and saw Millicent was staring at him, Millicent quickly turned her gaze and slammed her head on the table, groaning. Elliott smiled.

"Uhh, sorry guys, I have to go do something. Sorry." His friends nodded. Elliott walked to the Griffindor table. When he reached where Millicent and her friends were. He put his finger on his lip, a sign to tell Millicent's friends not to say anything.

Sean smirked and nodded. Luke sleepily laid his head on Sean's shoulder. Elliott then pats Millicent's shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" Elliott asked.

"I'm not in the mood-" Millicent raised her head and looked at the intruder, she stopped midway, as her face flushed pink.

"I'm sorry, Milly, can I sit here?"

"But you're a Hufflepuff?" Milly raised a brow at the boy.

"Just let him take a seat, Milly," Sean said.

"Tsk... Fine... O-of course Elliott, you can sit here." Elliott smiled and sat down beside her.

Millicent sat up straight, and she clenched her fists, on top of her legs.

"Is something wrong Milly? Are you uncomfortable with me here? Should I just leave?" Elliott said and stood up, but Millicent held his hand.

"It's not you... It's just... Zander hasn't woken up since the incident, it's been two weeks..." Millicent looked up at Elliott, tears in her eyes.

Elliott took pity on the small girl and sat back down beside her. Elliott then patted Millicent's head soothingly.

"It's okay. Don't hold it in." He said softly, and with that simple sentence, Millicent's tears dropped one by one.

"It's not your fault Milly," Sean reassured her. "You didn't know."

Millicent sobbed uncontrollably. Elliott wanted to embrace her to comfort her, so he looked at Sean, and Sean gave him a thumbs up.

Elliott then wrapped his other arm around Millicent. Millicent widened her eyes, but then her crying intensified as she hugs Elliott back. Burying her face in Elliott's chest.

"I'm sorry about rejecting you Milly, the truth is... I was scared, I'm not as protective as Alexander, as brave as Amos, as manly as Sean, as sweet as Daisy, I'm not..." Elliott mumbled.

"You don't have to down yourself like that... It's not true... You have a kind heart and you're a gentleman, that's what I like about you..." Millicent said pulling away from the hug. Elliott blushed and smiled at Millicent.

"I'm glad, you weren't going to be expelled." Millicent smiled and hugged Elliott once again.

Sadie, who's beside Sean, smiled at the heartwarming scene in front of them. Sanny, on the other hand, squealed loudly, while clapping her hands.

On the other side of the castle, up in the hospital wing. A blond-haired teen was sitting on a chair, and beside him is a purple-haired teen, sleeping soundly on a bed.

"He looks so peaceful..." Jake thought as he rests his hand on top of Zander's.

"You git... Thinking of others before yourself... You're so selfless..." Jake scolded the purple-haired teen.

"It's been two weeks, and you're still asleep..." He quietly said.

"You're unfair, you said you wanted us to talk about why I didn't tell you I'm a Veela too, though... I'm the submissive type... Truth is, I was gonna tell you, but you didn't give me time." The blonde said, his eyes started to water, he stood up and ran out before bumping into a tan-skinned boy, knocking him down.

"S-sorry!" He shouted, looking down, and continued to run.

"Huh? Was that Jake just now? Why was he crying?" The tan-skinned boy mumbled and stood up.

He walked into the hospital wing and saw the purple-haired teen. He walked to him and waved his hand in front of the sleeping teen's face. And checked the wrists for a pulse, and figured it out.

"He's in a coma? Is that why he's crying, poor Jake..." He thought.

He looked out the window and saw dark clouds started to appear. He narrowed his light brown eyes and covered his blonde hair that was dyed into hot pink by a certain someone.

"Now I need to go back, I hope to see you again." He said and walked out the door.

"I'm going to strangle that stupid magician thief for taking me here." He thought, then remembered something. "I still have a case to solve back home! Ugh..." He groaned.

He pocketed his hands, and walked down the corridors, looking for the exit. Then he found an exit that led to the back of the school, he looked up at the sky looking for a certain someone.

"I'm going to kill him." He said, clenching his fists.

"Looking for someone, Tantei-han?" A voice said the certain someone was on top of a tree.

"Take me back home, I've had enough of your pranks, stupid thief, and also you need to fix my hair jerk." The detective yawned. The magician laughed, came down the tree, and carried the tired detective in his arms. He then opened up his hang glider and flew out of the wizarding world.

*We're nearing the end, guys! I'm in church right now... Oof-*

(Book 1) Alexander Taylor: The Hidden Chamber (A 'TMF' & 'Harry Potter' AU)Where stories live. Discover now