her second

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"Hey, Coop. It's me. Again. Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you of feeling like shit or whatever. It's my fault. I shouldn't have called you but I know I need to hear your voice. Not just your voice over some stream.

"I'm watching it right now, by the way. You and Logan always make me laugh, you know? Whenever I played with you guys I'd never interrupt you and Logan messing around because it's just so entertaining. All your streams are entertaining, you're so good at it.

"I don't want to mess with your head or anything, but I wouldn't mind you driving to my house. Out of the blue. No warning. I stay strict to my schedule still, for the most part. It's been a little rocky for me to stay on track. I get distracted so easily nowadays.

"Speaking of distractions, you having your face cam is making my brain go fuzzy. I'm not going to lie. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh makes my brain go fuzzy. And just the sound makes my brain go fuzzy. You seem to laugh a little smaller than you used to. Like you laugh the same amount but, it's not right.

"Dinner was great. They keep my mind off of things. Except for after dinner when I was driving Caiden home. He mentioned that he missed you. And that he missed how I was when you were still around. God, Cooper, why did w- Nevermind. Have a good rest of your stream, bub."

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