his fifth

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"How is it that you've never told me that story? About how you knew you love me. That's the cutest shit ever. You're the cutest ever. There's the cheesy. How are you gonna have the cheesiest motherfucker be your soulmate? Insane.

"You know what I miss? I miss teaching you skate tricks. I've never had a relationship where we both mutually, like, showed our interests to the other so much. I don't know, in other ones we talked about interests but with you we both showed each other them. And the other also tried it no matter how much they didn't see the coolness or whatever. If it made one of us happy it made the other happy.

"It was so fucking amazing. All of it. I've never really believed in soulmates either. But if I were to have one I truly fucking believe it's you. It's always you. You're the one and I can't wait until we get past the voicemails and to each other. I love you so much, Adella."

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