Chapter 15

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. They were finally inside the lift and she felt suffocated at the same time she was trying to keep her emotions at bay while tuning out the conversation beside her. She had to keep her breathing steady and calm or she might end up breaking down or worst fainting and in no way she was about to do that in front of Hyo Seop and definitely not in front of HER.
Just then she stiffened and was surprised when felt his hand on her shoulder tugging her beside him.

"By the way Amanda this is a very good friend of mine." He told the petite woman. A very good friend without a name? Sung Kyung wanted to scream. Then she felt him looked at her while she refused to look at him.

"This is my neighbor Amanda Kim. She and her husband Sung Jin hyung is a good friend of mine too." Hyo Seop explained to her.

Neighbor? She could feel her heartbeat slowing down but her guards were still up. She was still cautious and suspicious of this Amanda Kim. The petite woman looked at her and she could see she was smiling behind her mask.

"Hi it's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I've seen any of Paul's friends come by and by the way none of them were women." She told her winking. She then felt Hyo Seop's taking his hand from his shoulder to scratch the back of his neck. She suddenly felt its absence and wanted it back there.

Well to give her credit this Amanda Kim sounded nice and sincere and she thought it would be rude not to give her an answer.

"Nice to meet you too." Was all she could say though as she could feel her voice slightly trembling. Maybe it was just her imagination but she thought Amanda noticed it too as her brows suddenly furrowed. Luckily, before anything more could be said the elevator finally opened up to their destination. They said their goodbyes, well Hyo Seop did as he was the chatty one while she remained silent and they went their separate ways.

Hyo Seop opened the door to his house and let her in first. She immediately asked where his kitchen was as her intention was to dump everything she brought there and to leave as quickly as possible as her mind and heart was still in turmoil.

Arriving at his kitchen she straight away went to open his fridge to put the food she brought in and looking inside she realized the bulky containers wouldn't fit. The sensible side of her brain was telling her to leave it but the humane side of herself was winning once again.

She sighed in defeat. "Do you have small containers I can use? I don't think this will all fit inside your fridge." She asked with irritation noted in her voice. She couldn't help it she was on the verge of losing it.

Hyo Seop now noticed that something was off with her. "Are you alright noona? Is something wrong?" He asked while giving her the extra containers she asked for.

Noona. She was starting to hate that word.

Before she could answer him his doorbell rang and he went to see who it was. She then heard Amanda's voice.

Why wasn't he calling her noona too? She was sure she was older than him. Was it because she wasn't Korean? Was he doing it intentionally calling her that? Was he really distancing himself from her? Maybe she shouldn't have come see him after all.

Her breathing became fast again and her heart beating rapidly. She needed to get of there soon. She then heard the front door closing and she felt him standing behind her.


She was really really starting to hate that word. She couldn't contain it any longer. Her vision became blurry and she felt the hot tears running down her face, her body was shaking and she could hear herself sobbing.

Damn. The floodgate had finally opened and there was no stopping it.

Author's Notes:
Okay better days are coming I promise!😁 Take Care everyone!❤️

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