Camping Plans

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I woke up early and got ready for school it was the 20th of December a cold Friday the last day before Christmas break.

I was so excited I quickly ate my breakfast and rushed out to my car to go pickup Sam and Jay with Christmas songs blasting in the car i arrived a few minutes later to Sam's house,
A few seconds later Sam came out with a piece of toast in his mouth waved goodbye to his mother and got in the car.

We did our weird bro handshake and laughed a bit, Sam was about 6ft tall with brown short curly hair and amazing hazel brown eyes his skin was kinda pale. Even tho he is gay and had a small crush on me when we were younger we grew to become inseparable best friends also we are the same age but he still hasn't grown his beard which we all teased him about.

-We're gonna get Jay and go meet-up with the others in the schools parking lot.
Sam simply nodded as he pulled out a rolled up joint from a small pocket at the side of his back bag, he looked at me and smiled.
-there's alot more from where that came from.
He said and gave me a wink, we both laughed as he hid it back in his bag.

After a few turns and stop signs we arrived at Jay's house she was already waiting for us outside with her usual uniform of black Dr Martin boots black bell-bottoms pants an oversized hoody and her Gothic makeup she is about 5ft tall with pale skin beautiful black hair and black eyes she also has a few tattoos on her arms and legs not to forget her nose, belly and ear piercings she truly was a beautiful person. I had a huge crush on her but she is aromantic so i had no chance.

-Good morning you two.
She said as she got in the car with us, -Man I'm so excited for our camping trip tonight!!
-We all are.
Said sam with a huge smile on his face.

I drove off to skl as we sang Christmas songs and laughed in the car the trip from Jay's house to the skl was a 20 minute drive full of jokes and laughter.

Amy and Emma were waiting for us at the schools parking lot, they ran to my car cheering and laughing. Sam and Jay got out and moved away while talking to Amy and Emma as i parked the car in my usual spot under the big old weird tree. I turned off my car and got out double checked that I locked it before joining the others.

Amy is 5ft tall with short blond hair and beautiful bright bleu eyes which were hidden behind her glasses, she was the smartest in our group Emma is her girlfriend she's really clumsy but really cute she's about 4'20 chubby with long black hair black eyes a small sharp nose and colorful pink cheeks

We walked together to the front of the school and then we went our separate ways each to his class.

I had biology class with Mr Smith he's a really cool teacher he jokes alot so everyone actually enjoyed his classes so we studied a bit dissected a frog and learned all about its intestines, then i had a French class but our teacher was absent so i made a list of things we may need for our camp.

I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and started writing.
*cheese/ham sandwiches
*bunch of candy
Tools and stuf:
*Bluetooth speaker

The bell rang and I went to the library to meet with Jay and Sam, I arrived and found Jay sitting with a big weird book in front of her.
-what're you reading?
-some stuff about witches magic and summoning ghosts and stuf like that.
-Wow that's cool!!
-i know right!?
-Anyway where's Sam he is supposed to meet us here so we can both go get some Macdonald's instead of gym class.
-He probably went to the bathroom he'll be back any minute.
-ugh he's unbelievable he can go at McDonald's!! I'll go to the bathrooms to check, if he comes by here tell him I'm waiting for him in the car.
-Thanks Jay you're the best.

So I grabbed my backpack and went looking for him only to find him standing next to my car.
-Heyy! I looked everywhere for you where were you?!
He didn't respond he kept on staring at his feet so I shook his shoulders. He jumped as if I scared him or something.
-Leo. How long have you been here.. he sounded serious which scared me abit.
-Long enough to know that somethings wrong. Wana talk about it?
-No, no I'm good it's just that... Nothing forget about it. LET'S GET US SOME MACDONALDS BABYYYYY.
As mush as i was concerned about Sam I did as told and forgot about it so we went to Macdonald and we each got a Mc chiken and an oreo Mc flurry then went to the park next to the school where we enjoyed our meal and smoked abit before going back to school.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and as the last bell rang I went straight to my car, the others joined me we then agreed that we go back home then meet-up at the supermarket where we'll get all that we need before starting our camp.

I dropped Jay at her house first then went to drop-off Sam. As we were sitting there with the music blasting form the radio Sam turned it off and with a big sad sigh he looked at me then apologized for what happened earlier at the parking.
-Do you really wana know what's wrong?
-you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.
-I think it'll be better if I do plus you're my best friend and I really need to talk to someone about it.
I didn't want to ruin the moment by saying something stupid so I kept my mouth shut and just nodded.
-You already know that my parents are divorced.. And well yesterday I was on a call with my mother and she asked me if I came out to my father and he definitely overheard our conversation specially when I said 'he'll definitely freak out if he knows that I'm gay' because at dinner he started talking about god the Bible and how god created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Adam and all that bulshit, long story short I snapped and we got in a huge fight so he left the house screaming 'no son of mine will ever be gay' so I simply went to my room locked my door and told my mother what happened."
-Wil you talk to him when you get home?
-He'd still be at work I asked my mother if I can spend Christmas eve with her but she said she can't come here before the 25th of December that she would be at work even on Christmas eve.
I didn't say anything so we sat there in silence for the rest of the trip.

After dropping Sam off I went home, the door was locked so my parents probably went out so I took a hot bath cleaned my room and packed my bags, checked and double checked if I was missing anything before leaving a note to my parents on the kitchen table and leaving to meet with the others.

I got into my car and turned on the AC and a wave of cold air hit my face which sent shivers down my back I turned on the radio and waited for a few minutes until the cold air turned warm before heading to the supermarket, Sam Jay Amy and Emma were all there waiting for me. This supermarket is our favorite because it's close to all of our houses.

-Sory for making you wait guys!!
Sam greeted me with our special handshake and we all laughed as we went in to grab our stuff, in the supermarket we split up the girls went alone leaving me and Sam together after about half an hour we met back at the cashier Jay was the one responsible for our camp savings so she payed and we headed to my car where we placed the bags in the trunk and went directly to the forest.

It's a big abandoned forest with no bears wolves snakes or anything like that just some rodents here and there and it has the best camping spot it's situated next to a small lake.

We emptied the cars trunk next to a used fireplace which is basically a circle of small rocks and old wet coal Sam and Jay went into the woods to get fire wood I stayed with Emma and
Amy they helped me put up the tents
-I'm glad that I went to scoots when I was younger or else I wouldn't even know what a tent looked like.
-Sureee Miss Amy to the rescue!
-Ow shut up Leo.
We laughed as we planted the second tent Jay and Sam showed up with a bunch of sticks and leafs. It was still early but the sun was already setting so we lit a fire and enjoyed our sandwiches then ate a few grilled marshmallows.
-We should sleep early we have a big day tomorrow and I wana enjoy every minute of it.
-Yeah Jay is right Sam and I will sleep in the tent behind me and you girls will sleep in the bigger one there.
The ground around the fire was wet enough not to worry about leaving it unguarded so we packed the food into the bags and went to sleep.

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