Lost And Found

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I was the first to wakeup the sun was shining the birds were singing and I was exited for the day, I got up as slow as possible trying not to wakeup Sam and then I went to the woods to take a leak and bring back some more sticks for the fire, we needed to make hot water after all.

As i was gathering sticks I fell upon a weird wooden box with a small rusty lock on it, I tried to break it open with a rock but it was just to hard to break so I ignored it gathered the sticks and went back to camp. Everyone was finally awake when i got there,
-good morning everyone!

Sam looked at me with half opened eyes and said good morning back between yawns. Jay looked at me and gave me an angry look before going into the woods to empty last night's drinks she did look kinda terrible as if she ran a marathon in her sleep,
-what up with jay?
I asked as I was preparing the fire and placing the water pot over it before lighting it up.

Started Amy before Emma cut her off - let's say that we were having a little bit of fun before going to sleep.
she then looked over at Amy and winked leaving both of them blushing and awkwardly smiling at each other - FUN DOESN'T INCLUDE MAKING OUT AND LEAVING OTHERS AWAKE! screamed Jay from behind the trees, we bursted out laughing.

After a few minutes the fire died so I picked up the water pot and started pouring hot water into the coffee cups
-Well the hot water is ready who wants some coffee and cake?
we sat around the warm cinder enjoying a hot cup of coffee and I told everyone about the weird box i found.
-We should check it out!
-Are you crazy Sam? He told you it was freaky so he left it where it belongs.
-Don't be such a scaredy cat Jay, sure it may have given me some weird vibes but still I think checking it out with you would be easier than going alone.
-Well I'm not going what about you Amy?
-I'm staying with Emma Jay can stay with us if she wants to.
Jay quickly got up grabbed me and Sam by the arm and dragged us into the woods.
-So where did you find this weird box Leo?
I ignored Sam's question and looked over to Jay.
-what's wrong? Is everything okayy?
-yeah yeah I'm just a bit sleepy bcz those 2 love birds wouldn't stop whispering "I love you" and exchanging kisses as if I wasn't there.
-but like aren't you ace?
-yes sam I am ace but asexual doesn't mean I don't want someone to cuddle with and love it's just that sex isn't interesting to me it... It doesn't turn me on or more preferably its meaningless to me.
Sam shot me a look and I hit him on the shoulder.
-well we're here!
-eyyyy so where's the box?
I looked around and moved some leaves but i couldn't find it.
-that's weird... It was right here a second ago.
We searched together for about 10 minutes before giving up.
-let's just head back it's a waist of time.
-Jay is right let's go Leo.
-I don't understand it was right here!
-you woke up really early you were probably seeing things.
-yeah ig you're right let's just head back.
We walked in silence all the way back to camp I was frustrated that we couldn't find that weird box I started to think that I actually was seeing things.
-so how was the expedition? Asked Amy.
-we couldn't find it anywhere.
-forget about it Leo let's get ready and go for a little walk together I heard there is an old abandoned cabin not far from here.
So we did. We packed our bags with some sandwiches, water bottles and flashlights, secured our tents and went to find the cabin.
We walked for what seemed like ages but we finally made it.

It was an old small wooden cabin,it seemed as if it was falling apart the wood was dark brown with patches of green moss all over it with grass that went higher than our hips.
-it sure is.
-let's go in!
-dude are you crazy it's barely standing I doubt it would still be after touching it or even...
I didn't finish my sentence and everyone just ignored me and went righ in.
The inside was creepier than the outside no light was able to pass through the moss and dirt and rotten wood so using our flashlights we started exploring.

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