1: The first encounter

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I had this idea come to mind while I was staying at the Disney boardwalk resort, and now I'm finally writing it :DDD
Could this be considered an early Halloween gift? If so, then happy spooky season! >:DDD
Shaye_Serena and I came up with so many ideas for this rewrite, and I have to say that they're all amazing. XDDD
Now, without further ado, let's get into the rewrite of this movie I have no recollection of seeing!

People say that the craziest things can happen in New York. Knock-off Disney costumed characters getting into a fistfight in New York? Happened. Boba Fett playing the accordion in the subway station? Happened. A rat carrying a slice of pizza down the stairs of a fire escape? Happened. But what we did not expect to happen was a sudden increase in crime as a new criminal organization known as the Foot Clan swept the entire state of New York.

But before we get into this story, you should know about the two heroes: us. My name is... Usako Tsushima, also known as Eli to some friends. A while back, my good friend Shaye and I came to New York to pick up my dog's medications because it was sent there on accident. But after we mailed it to Florida, we realized, "Oh wait. Now what?" So, of course, we did the next thing anyone would do: we got an apartment and decided to live in the city.

So now we're living a good life, we're watching musicals like Hamilton and Phantom of the Opera whenever we get the chance to, we go out for boba tea and smoothies, and we attend live tapings for Channel 6 Eyewitness News for one reason only: to look at the local b-tch of NYC, April O'Neil. Sure, she might have good looks and a sweet voice, but she wants to steal Shaye's cover story about the Foot Clan and spread it around New York with the news.

So, yeah. Now we're against a local news b-tch. Fun. Anyway, onto the real story. We were sprinting down to the docks, and once we were there, we ducked behind a few metal crates. The scent of saltwater, metals, and dust lingered in the air as ships swam in with new shipments from around the world. "There she is, the local news reporter b-tch known as April O'Neil." Shaye pointed at the b-tch herself, who was following a construction worker.

"Ah yes, the b-tch." I nodded, a bit ticked off. "Sweetheart, you don't forget something like that. Ten guys storm in here, broad daylight, force us to the ground at gunpoint. And these are restricted chemicals. Benzyl cyanide and some deaminating agents, too. You don't just buy this stuff, even on the black market." The construction man told April, his nametag displaying his surname: Rivetti.

"Wait, you said deaminating agents. They did practice in genetic research. Is there anybody else that's trafficking these sorts of chemicals besides you?" April interrogated Rivetti, her b-tchy voice even more b-tchier. Shaye mouthed what she said, muttering a small "B-tch, please" to herself. "O'Neil! We're live in 30 minutes!" Someone shouted out of nowhere. "Jesus! That guy is loud!" I jumped a bit, then had a slow realization.

"Wait. They'll be live." I turned to Shaye, fixing my Baby Yoda mask. "Shaye, I have a crazy idea. What if we were in the taping?" I suggested to her. "Oh my God, yes, we'll be famous. I already know what I want to do." She smiled mischievously. "Oh, yes." I snicked, doing an "okay" sign with my hand. "Yes." Shaye nodded, then turned her sandy head to the North when she heard the sound of a van starting. Her grey-blue eyes widened.

"And they're already leaving! Come on." Shaye started running to the back of the van, kicking herself up and clinging onto one of the ladder's feet. I hesitated a bit, then I started running towards the van. To be honest, it can be a bit hard when you're wearing a hoodie, leggings, and a face mask. But somehow, I managed to catch up to the van and cling onto the ladder's other foot. We both glanced at each other as the van transported us to Brooklyn.

"And now, our carriage parks here." Shaye hopped off the van, then squeezed through a fence. I followed her, snickering a bit. We followed them over to the filming area, finding a nice crowd to blend into. I counted down, and soon, they started filming. "Hi, guys, this is April O'Neil from Channel 6 News," That's all we needed to hear. We strolled behind her, keeping our distance. Shaye tapped my shoulder, and I turned to her.

She started to "wind up" one of her hands, and she pulled out a flipped bird. I slapped my knee and began laughing very hard, crumbling to the floor. We soon ran out of the camera's view, still laughing over what just happened. "Ha! Got 'em!" Shaye slapped her knee. "That gets them every time!" I laughed a bit, then stopped. Strange, we didn't hear April's b-tchy voice... "What the... What is April doing?" Shaye asked out of the blue.

We saw that April was squatting on a trampoline, pretending to be a "sexy" seagull. We both burst into uncontrollable laughter. At least an hour later, we were sitting at a nearby table, watching April and a man from afar. Of course, we both had our daily drinks: a smoothie for Shaye and a bubble tea for me. "But it's also okay to just give people something a little lighter. A little... Little froth." The man spoke to her. "Froth?" I mouthed to myself.

"You know, how, when you get a coffee, it's just, like, coffee, then they put a little froth on it. It's kind of nice." Vern, who the man was apparently called, explained. "Ew..." Shaye shook her head. "That's foam." I stared at him with a mouth straighter than the zipline at the Happily Ever After fireworks show. "The point is, I think that you should be rewarded, not punishing yourself. Okay?" Vern smiled at April. Huh. He seems like a very nice guy.

But because she's a b-tch, April turned him down, and now she was biking back to the docks. "That b-tch! She just turned down an offer to go to a nice restaurant!" I gasped, running after her. "Wait, aren't we gonna finish these?" Shaye called after me. I realized that we still had our drinks in our hands. "Yeah, sure." I nodded, and we both finished our drinks quickly, throwing the empty cups in the trash. We ran after April while I tried to not choke on the boba.

A few minutes later, we made it to the docks. And boy, oh boy, it was dark. At this point, we were basically concerned for April, which is something that never usually happens. We heard some men's voices coming from the docks. Although you can say that it was probably some late-night workers or some troublemaking juveniles, Shaye and I were thinking, "that's very sus". We were a few feet away from April, who had just taken out her phone.

"Bruh, what?" I shook my head, flipping my hoodie over my head. It was raining a drizzle, but I was a bit worried that it would turn into a full-on rainstorm. My suspicions were further confirmed by a thunderous rumble from the sky. Shaye looked up, seeing April climb the fence. "Are you sh-ttin' me right now?" She shook her sandy head. "Welp, we have no choice but to follow the b-tch..." I sighed. We both followed April's lead, hopping down onto the wet concrete.

"Ow," I grunted a bit, wobbling a bit since I landed on both of my feet. Shaye helped me up a bit, her face full of unease. We saw some silhouetted men carry some small crates, and I recalled what Rivetti had said. "These are restricted chemicals. Benzyl cyanide and some deaminating agents, too." Suddenly, everything clicked. "The Foot Clan." Shaye turned to me. "You read my mind." I nodded at her.

"Unit two, area three, move!" The men spoke like military guards. We decided to duck behind some crates. I looked up at the drizzling sky, my anxiety increasing. Shaye looked up too, watching the rain fall onto the crates and ground. Suddenly, we heard a whoosh, and we could have sworn we saw a figure jumping from one crate to another. We gasped, turning to each other as if to say, "did you see what I saw?"

Out of nowhere, we heard men grunting. We turned around to see a man fall to the ground, and the sound of metal ringing filled our ears. "What the Hell?!" Shaye gasped. My eyes widened when I saw April attempt to sneak past the Foot Clan. Suddenly, something very impossible happened. A crate nearly fell over onto a Foot Clan member, and we could have sworn he was killed. "Retreat! Retreat!" A woman's voice shouted, and we saw several cars drive away.

We saw a person on top of the crate, and the funny thing was that they didn't almost look human. Sure, they had very good proportions, but they were very bulky, their calves thicker than Buzz Lightyear's chunky arms. "Hey, what's that?" Shaye pointed to April's body, which was laying on the floor. It was all beaten up, and her phone was nowhere to be found. This was quite strange since she did have it out all the time.

"W-What is that over there?" My eyes caught something. Shaye turned and saw a symbol on a crate. As we neared the symbol, we heard a crack from under our feet. We looked down and saw that we stepped on April's phone. "...Sh-t." We both sighed. Upon closer inspection, we saw that the symbol was, in fact, kanji, a system of writing Japanese characters. Although I can't read kanji, I had a hunch that the red-black symbol read "ninja".

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rising Again (TMNT 2014 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now