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When Worqnesh woke up, it was about 6:00Am and that was too late to get her activities to do. She saw that it is morning. She hasn't wanted to woke her daughter. She woke her daughter and took her to the house they went in the last night. They found the house owner Miss Xerunesh. Xerunesh felt so sad when she saw them, but there was nothing they can do for them. They gave them clothes to change and some breakfast then send them to work again. When Tenbit took breakfast to the 3 children, She was late. Kebebush was waiting for her. When she saw her she shouted on her and asked her her reason. Tenbit started to cry and tell her what happened. Kebebush laughed loudly and said " This is the will of Poor women if she don't respect her life" then she left the room. Tenbit started to treat Soretti. Kebebush came while she was feeding her and said " Today you haven't washed their cloth. They your mother to clean their clothes and clean their room. Help her when she do too". "But miss the teacher is coming after minutes" Tenbit answered with fear sound and face. "There is no school today" Kebebush shouted and left the room. She walked to her room and Set on the  room sofa and started to think about their travel. She started to read the letter she received from their Careers from British. These people are from British and they met them when they were in Gojam. They met with her husband before Mekuwanent's and Worqnesh's father dead. That was the time Worqnesh felt in love with a boy from them. Kebebush started to imagine the amount of money they will earn and laughed slowly. They job will be selling Kenya girls to British. This is Mekuwanent's job. Her job is managing their office. They will train the girls to serve and finally sell them to British people. She wanted to take Worqnesh and her daughter there and tell everything for her husband after she sell her.

Tenbit was tired when she got home (Miss Xerunesh's house). She eat some dinner and slept. She spend about half hour by thinking how she will ask her questions for her mother. She was sleepy but couldn't sleep. She wanted someone to take. She wanted a friend to tell what is in her mind. But she don't have. When she is feeling lonely, she remembered the gift her teacher gave her 3 months ago. and she went to her bag and took the box. Her teacher told her to open the box when she lose some one to talk and feel lonely. She was thinking that it will be something talking but the thing she got was a Diary. She had no idea about it. she saw other paper in it. "Make me your only friend. You can trust me to tell me everything". She checked her mother and the family, hey were talking about their story, She come back started to write for her new friend.

"Hello my new friend, I am Tenbit. But what is yours? haha but Who cares! Today I want to tell you the thing stressing my mind.When Soressa(my mom's husband) made us leave his house, my mom said "Do you think me and my daughter must be hurt because your wife and baby were dead? Then what is our fault?". Wait, does he had a baby or family? You can say that we were his enemy not his family. Then he said "You know you born her from strange" wait again, seriously Does she born me from strange guy? I mean what is strange person? I can't understand anything but I want to know. He and Miss kebebush said "You brought her..........." every time they mess with her but I am a person What is bringing, or Am I not her daughter? Miss Kebebush is the wife of the owner of the house.She don't like my mom and me. I don't know why she hate us this much. she always try to hurt us.By the way I tried to ask my mom but she always tell me to grow slowly. the thing I don't understand  about her is this. Sometimes she says "May God bless you, I want to see you grown". If she do then why does she want me to act like a kid? Oh my God! I am stressed. Anyways I will ask her tomorrow morning. Hey you don't tell the things I tell you for any one. Promise OK! Wish me good luck to know me! Bye, Good night!"

This was the way Tenbit met her best friend!

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