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Amity tossed and turned in her sleep, the same vivid image flashing through her mind. She saw herself being grabbed and lifted into the air... She woke up, shaking from head to toe. 

"It's just a dream!" she told herself.

The sun was already beginning to rise. She got out of her bed and pulled on her school uniform. She was about to open the door when she felt her spine tingle.


Amity hit her head, she was beginning to grow familiar with this voice. She shook it off like nothing had happened and walked downstairs.


As Amity walked to school, she could still hear that voice ringing in the back of her mind. She tried to ignore it, she didn't want to remember what happened to her that night. She took a deep breath and continued down the road to Hexside. But she couldn't escape the feeling that someone, something, was watching her. She was almost at the school when she was greeted by Luz, her best friend. Everything she had been thinking about disappeared as her face turned bright red. 

"Oh! Um... hi Luz! What are you doing here!?" she panicked.

Luz looked at Amity confused. "This is school."

Amity felt all her blood rush to her face. She always had a gay panic around Luz, and it was beginning to annoy her.

"Oh!" she said through gritted teeth, very embarrassed. "Right! Well I gotta go!"

She turned on her heel and ran into the school, her face as red as apple blood. She kept her head down, too flustered to look at anyone.

"Nice one Amity!" she whispered to herself. "As if your life wasn't hard enough."

She sat on the stairs by her classroom, at a complete loss for words. She buried her head in her knees and said:

"I'm such an idiot."

She sat there, her head spinning, when suddenly she heard:

"No you're not!"

Amity looked up to see Luz sitting next to her. Her face full of sympathy. She put her arm around Amity and smiled.

"You're the smartest person I know! Everyone makes a mistake sometimes. Even you Am!"

Amity smiled. She didn't deserve a friend like Luz. She had been horrible to her when she first met her. But Luz had still tried her best to befriend and help Amity. Amity looked at Luz, the feeling of guilt weighing her down. The voice at the back of her head whispering:

"You should have told her......"   

Amity shivered and held her arms. Luz scrunched her eyebrows, her face filled with worry.

"Amity?" she asked concerned. "You okay?"

Amity looked at Luz, she didn't want to worry her. Luz didn't need that right now.

"Yeah!" she said with a forced smile. "I'm fine!"

Luz wasn't sure but she didn't want to press Amity, she looked stressed enough already. Luz knew that something was bothering her, but she knew Amity would tell her in her own time. So she just smiled.

"Okay! If you say so!" she said pulling Amity into a tight hug.

She grinned before getting up and walking away.

"I'll see you in class!" she called back.


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