Flower crowns

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Warnings: none- it does seem to get a little angsty near the end but it isn't actually angst if that makes sense.

He heard her hum contentedly while she settled into his chest, sat by the open window watching the pink and orange hues dance throughout the sky. She shivered and he almost immediately pulled his hoodie off of his shoulders- throwing it over her head to keep her warm.

She laughed at a joke he had made- it probably wasn't even funny- as they walked, hands intertwined and she balanced across the fallen tree, he looked up at her and something about the sun surrounding her head like a halo made her look like some ethereal being- she seemed to belong here.

They sat by the pond, he played with her hair while she laid in his lap concentrating on the flower crown she had busied herself with, finishing quicker than he had expected- she sat up and placed it upon his head.

"You look like a flower prince."

"Well then-"

He took her hand in his and knelt beside her.

"Do you care to be my flower queen?"

She laughed and gently pushed him

"That's so cringe, B."

His heart ached but he smiled with her.

He watched her from the kitchen table while she cleaned the dishes, he noticed her singing quietly to herself and she had caught him in a trance once more.

He laid awake that night- grazing his fingers over her bare ribs, pretending that she had sung that sweet melody for him and only him. She stretched a small hand out to his chest and let her fingers dance along his skin.

"What are you thinking about?"


She laughed and shook her head- gazing up at him with big watery eyes.

"Go to sleep."

He smiled- his heartstrings close to snapping and whipping him so much he bled out from the inside, closing his eyes he tried to forget and went to sleep.

"Come on slowpoke!"

He laughed at her running down to the lake- pulling her dress off over her head. He blushed meeting her in the glistening water- her skin glinting in the moonlight- he couldn't tell if it was because she had become a goddess figure to him or simply the water magnifying the curve of her shoulder or the smoothness of her collar bone.

They laid in the grass- hair damp and their clothes were still thrown across the grass- she leaned closer to him and he smelt her perfume still sticking to her.

He laughed at her slightly trip and then carry on throwing herself around the house- the others were out doing God knew what and she had decided to show him her ballroom dancing "skills" if you could call them such. Some part of her looked graceful- the way she spun and dipped or the way she'd laugh when she fell over her own feet. He got up to dance with her and she simply pushed him away and carried on with her arms wrapped around the air.

B was getting frustrated- everyone could tell he was in love with her and he was certain she could too but she was ignoring him. He had to tell her at some point- it couldn't be that hard- right?

He called for her- noticing she had disappeared into another room.


"I'm in love with you."

It was easier than he thought- mainly because his mouth had moved too fast for the anxiety of telling her to keep up.

"Please say something,"

He was starting to panic- what they had was perfect- but he couldn't keep hurting himself just to keep her around, at least now, whether she stays or not- she knew the truth.
She stared at him for what felt like an eternity before lunging towards him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She leant back- placing a kiss on his mouth- smiling at him. She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. He knew well enough.

He woke up, hand coming up to scratch his head. Although she wasn't there- when he looked over to see her lipstick stain on a coffee cup, he knew she wouldn't have gone far.

Whew this one was 707 words- way longer than it was in my head.
Have a good day/night
I love you
Stay safe!!!!

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