
192 2 0

Warnings: none

A groan fell from her mouth as the rain fell harder against the window, he pulled her close while the TV played discarded noise downstairs.

They focused on each other's breathing and held one another close as the cold reached her feet. She buried her head further into his chest and he hummed a Russian lullaby his mother had once sung to him.

The rain poured and lashed at the window- as if trying to get in and steal the remainder of the small warmth they held.

" It's cold."

"I know, детка. Hush sleep now."

He smoothed her hair back and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, breathing in the smell of sleep and her perfume. While she dozed off to the sound of the rain hitting the floor.

words: 130

It's raining so that's where I got my inspiration from ig, its been really cold these past few weeks :/
i hope yall are okay- my dms are always always open if any of you need someone to talk to,
i love you lots!!
stay safe

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