
454 6 0

Warnings: none

They sat in the car together.

"This feels like a steak out."

Trevor laughed- it was getting late, and cold. And she noticed her eyes getting heavy while she reached behind into the back seat for a blanket.

"You okay?"

"Mhm! I'm just a little tired."

He sighed and looked over her, smiling. There was nothing here anyways and he wasn't going to risk her getting sick just because he was selfish and wanted to stay out a little longer.

He turned the heating up in the vehicle and reversed, placing his arm behind her seat to turn around and dropping it on her thigh. She smiled up at him while he drove her home.


He contemplated it for a second or two and gave an exaggerated sigh; stepping into the house with her.

He grabbed a blanket and draped it over her shoulders and picking her up, taking her to bed.

words: 155

I hope you are all staying safe- im sorry these are so short i promise ill make longer ones soon when i get the inspiration for it.
i love you!
i hope you stay safe

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