2 | Riled up Raven.

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Soon enough it was time for lunch and Raven followed Lexie's lead into the school cafeteria and sat at her lunch table. It was just the two of them there which Raven was glad about since she hated awkward introductions and wasn't too keen on having many friends apart from the odd one.

Scanning my eyes across the room, I saw him and an intense hatred was burning inside me. If he thinks he can talk to me like that and get away with it he messed with the wrong girl.

Looking back at Lexie, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to look at me, confusion evident on her face.

Getting straight to the point, I said 'What do you know about Ryder?'

The blonde haired girl looked up at Ryder then back at me before she began, 'Well like I told you this morning, he's a player.'

The look of disgust in her face told me all I had to know about Ryder Stirling.

I turned back around to glare at him and to my surprise he was already looking right at me with a smug look on his face. Not wanting to give him any more time of my day I turned back around to me friend, my mind brewing with thoughts.

'Lexie, what do you have to say about the player getting played?' I asked her with a smirk on my face.

'You mean you're gonna get him to fall for you and dump him like he does to everyone else?' she questioned the shock evident in her tone.

'That's exactly what I'm saying,' I replied turning back around to look at the raven haired (ironic I know) boy once again. Except this time he wasn't at his table and instead was making his way across the cafeteria right towards me.

His face was covered in a smirk that i didn't trust for one second and looking down from his face to his hands I saw why. He was holding an opened water bottle.

Before I could react, he 'accidentally' spilt his water on me causing my body to feel a rush of coldness against my skin where my crop top had began to stick to my skin. From beside me I could hear the jerk laughing followed by the entire cafeteria minus Lexie and in a heated and irrational moment I grabbed my juice from my lunch tray and poured it all over his head.

The silence that followed was deafening. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as no one dared to breathe. Never had anyone stood up to Ryder before so this was a first. Everyone's mind seemed to be wondering the same thing. What was Ryder going to do?

Before either of the two could react, a teacher who was nearby (just so happened to be Ms Parkinson) shouted at them and said 'I wanna see the both of you in detention this afternoon in my office.'

Once Ryder was out of his initial shock he knew he going to make sure the girl in front of him was going to pay. Only to find that the girl in question had stormed out the doors leading to the hallway just a few seconds prior.

Once she had reached her locker, Raven started furiously searching for a spare shirt but had no luck. Muttering a stream of curse words, she inspected the damage on her top and decided could make so with it.


First of all, who the fuck is this chick? And second of all, I just got juice spilt all over me in front of my entire year. To say I was pissed was an understatement and the girl in question was about to get it, except she wasn't there. She had just vanished.

Having had enough of everyone gawping and feeling my hair start to get sticky, I made my way down to the boys locker room in hopes of being able to wash my hair of any remaining residue.

Whilst in the showers, my mind kept going back to one thing or rather one person - who was that girl? Never in my 18 years of being alive have I ever met anyone quite like her. She was of below average height and was fairly attractive though her attitude ruined it. Or did it? It is her attitude and fiery personality that's got me so hooked on her. I dunno whether to be intrigued or annoyed.

With the current state of my hair I would have the say the second option was looking rather promising.

I don't give a shit about how her confidence was attractive from when she entered the classroom that morning and winked at me to, insulting me in the hallway. Never has a girl been able to stand her ground around me before. I admire her for that. Most girls tend to throw themselves at me and let me have them my way.

Intimidating her wasn't working in my favour and she was beginning to get under my skin. It was then that I realised I had to become the player I was with her.

Leaning against my locker, my best friend, Alec, joined me as we had both decided to skip class together.

'Who was that girl at lunch today?' he asked me, an amused look on his face. Like everyone else, he had never seen a girl stand up to me before.

'I dunno but she's really starting to piss me off,' I said.

'Really? Or is it just because she isn't infatuated with you like every other girl is?' he asked in a humouring tone.

'Shut up!' I said, rolling my eyes, standing up straight.

Although I played it off with Alec, what he last said was getting to me. Was she really not influenced by me at all?


To say Raven was annoyed didn't cut it. All of the other students were exiting the school building now, including Lexie, but Raven had detention to attend to.

She made her way down to Ms Parkinson's classroom and settled down in the first seat she set her eye on. At exactly 3.15pm, Ms Parkinson arrived with a glare on her face. 'I'm annoyed I have to stay behind as a result of your actions...' she began but, was interrupted by none other than the late comer, Ryder.

The brooding jerk took a seat beside Raven and threw his bag on the floor, waiting for Ms Parkinson's next instructions.

'You will remain silent throughout this detention and write an essay on the consequences of misbehaving in school' she said with a smug look on her face obviously happy to be repaying Raven for attitude earlier that morning.

For the first half hour, both students stayed to themselves mindlessly doing their work - or well Raven attempting her essay and Ryder doodling on his page. Suddenly, Ms Parkinson got up and said 'I have a teacher's meeting to attend to, I want the both of you to sit here in silence and not leave till you finish that essay and leave it on the front desk for me.' And with that she left.

Within seconds of her leaving, Raven felt a piece of paper hit her face. Turning around at the culprit annoyed, she huffed 'What do you want?'

'Why did you pour juice over my head?' He asked seemingly rather annoyed. 'It took me ages to get it out and my hair's still sticky,' he continued.

'Says the jerk who started this whole ordeal by pouring water down me!' Raven huffed, her annoyance increasing with every second.

'Oh come on you loved it really! What girl wouldn't want my attention?' Ryder questioned with a smirk on his face, raising his eyebrows.

Raven getting seriously annoyed at the player decided that playing nice wasn't going to get her anywhere. She thought it's time to play the player.

Getting up from her desk, she made her way over to Ryder's so gracefully the boy couldn't keep his eyes off her. Leaning down towards Ryder, she brought her lips close to his ears, her hot breath could be felt by Ryder as the distance between the two was quite literally non existent. The boy was starting to get rather flustered. No girl in history had ever have the courage to come up to him and not one as attractive as Raven.

Raven whispered 'Not every girl wants to get with you and definitely not me' she said and with that she left the classroom leaving a very worked up Ryder sitting alone trying to process what just happened.


What the fuck just happened?

Why the fuck am I so flustered?

Raven Reynolds was going to be the death of him and with that he left the classroom, running late for a family matter.

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