18 | Drunken Words and Tears.

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Alec and I had left school after our heartfelt conversation and were now looking for Ryder around the local area. Unfortunately, we were having no luck till we heard a voice singing sadly in a nearby park.

Following it we were greeted by a drunk and upset looking Ryder. He looked like a mess. His hair was all over the place, his jeans were now slightly muddy and his t-shirt was slightly torn. Taking in his disheveled appearance, I noticed his hand was bruised.

Worry seeped through me as I looked at the boy in front of me. His eyes were filled with fury and sadness and in his drunken state he had managed to cut his arm with a broken bottle leaving him bleeding.

'What's she doing here?' He asked enraged. 'She's the one who said she didn't care so why's she here?' He bellowed his voice getting louder with every word frightening me.

Alec pushed me backwards and went to help his best friend, 'she wanted to help,' he said simply.

'Why she doesn't care?'

Ryder, 'you might want to hear her out, you're not the only one dealing with problems,' said Alec calmly.

'No, I don't care what she has to say!' He roared. I knew he was drunk but his words still hurt nevertheless. I had fucked up and this was the outcome.

'Just go.' Alec said. 'I'll look after him.'

With a small nod I made my way out of the park and onto the main road. I didn't feel like going back to school after the day I had and going home wasn't an option.

Trudging along the pavement, I hadn't realised tears were spilling down my face. Spotting a bench nearby, I sat down bowing my head into my hands trying to cover my face.

Ryder had disregarded me before so why did it heart so much more now?

It's cause you love him you idiot!

Well, the damage is done now, he would never want me now. I had fucked up and there's nothing I could do to change that.

Wanting comfort, I phoned Lexie asking if she would skip the rest of school with me to which she agreed.

We had met each other halfway at a small cafe, ordering both of us coffee and making our way to the back few seats hidden away from everyone.

'Tell me what happened,' she said her voice calm and soft only making me want to cry harder.

So I did. I told her what Alec had told me and how Ryder had reacted when he saw me. I expressed my pain and anguish to which she sympathised with me and once I had let it all out, I sat there crying on her shoulder releasing every once of pain I had felt over the past couple of hours.

Once I had calmed down slight, she lifted my head up and said, 'Raven, it only hurts so much cause you love him. Leave him be for now and maybe in a few days he'll come back to his senses and you two can talk it out ok?'

I simply nodded my head in response to numb to say anything.

Little did she know that the boy wouldn't come to his senses and the girl wouldn't try to approach him.

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