10 | Her Boyfriends.

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I arrived home to an empty house luckily, meaning I didn't have to encounter the wrath of my foster mother just yet.

I spoke too soon.

Just minutes later, my foster mother entered the house and was surprised to see me there.

'What are you doing here?' She snapped.

'I might have gotten myself expelled for two weeks.'

'What!' She exclaimed before continuing, 'You worthless child, I always knew no good would come from you and now you've gone and gotten yourself expelled.'

I tried to answer her saying it's only for two weeks but decided against it. She was already fuming at me I didn't want to make it any worse.

Instead, I headed upstairs and locked myself in my room where I decided to have a Harry Potter movie marathon because what else is there to do?

I was halfway through Goblet of Fire when my phone started buzzing. I picked it up to see an unknown number messaging me asking me how I'm doing...wtf?

Slightly alarmed, I messaged the number back asking who it was and the answer I received explained a lot:

Your royal sexiness my lady.

I rolled my eyes at the jerk's response. How did he even get my number?

Jerk: I umm...asked Lexie for it when I realised you had been expelled for two weeks.

I'm going to kill Lexie for that one! Deciding I would rather be watching Harry Potter than texting this idiot, I send him a message saying:

You: Sorry Jerk, my boyfriends are waiting on me got to go!

Jerk: Wait! What boyfriends??


When Raven didn't reply I decided to find out for myself who her boyfriends were so headed down to her house on my trusty motorbike.

I was worried earlier today when I saw that Raven hadn't attended any of her lessons and wasn't even in the cafeteria for lunch so went up to Lexie and asked her where she was. The poor girl was surprised to see me but answered nevertheless saying how Raven had gotten herself expelled for two weeks by punching that blonde bimbo.

I was planning on heading back to my table when I felt the sudden urge to check up on her so turned back around to Lexie and asked if I could get her number to which she hesitantly gave me.

Bringing myself back to reality I took a sharp turn at a corner before finding myself parking my motorbike next to Raven's Audi. Even I can't lie, the girl's got a sweet ride and looks hot driving it to!

I anxiously made my way up the side path to her front door. Why was I so nervous to see her? Instead of pondering, I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. When she did she looked surprised to see me and honestly she had a right to! I just turned up unexpectedly at her house.


I opened my door to see Ryder standing there with his hands in his pockets and looking at me nervously. Wait why was he nervous? Not that I cared.

Wanting to know why he came around I asked 'Why are you here?'

Smirking he replied, 'well I heard you had your boyfriends waiting on you so decided to come and say hi!'

I barely managed to contain myself but, I pulled a serious face and said to him, 'yeah they're upstairs in my bedroom waiting for me.'

'Wait, what?' He hadn't expected me to reply with that and immediately rushed upstairs to my room. I followed him up laughing and when I got to my room I was met with him looking at me annoyed.

'Really? You're boyfriends are fictional characters?'

'Hey! Don't disrespect Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy like that! They're better than any boyfriend I could get in real life' I stressed.

Catching onto my words and not missing a beat, Ryder whispered, 'is that so? I mean I haven't been graced with the opportunity to be your boyfriend yet but I can assure you I could put them two to shame!', backing me up against my now closed bedroom door.

Leading him on, I leant closer in and just a few centimetres away from I ducked up his arm and made my way to my bed.

He pouted obviously not liking my reaction. Instead of leaving like I thought he would he just sat next to me on my bed and stared at me.

'What?' I asked starting to get uncomfortable with the energy we had created in the room.

'Can I stay and watch the movie with you?'

'Huh? I was not expecting that but, okay as long you get ice cream from the fridge downstairs; you know where it is!' I replied using him being here to my advantage. I mean who wouldn't love a personal butler?

Laughing at my antics, he went downstairs and soon enough returned with a pint of mint chocolate chip icecream and two spoons. I patted at the space next to me, urging him to hurry up as I wanted to continue watching the movie.

I pressed play on the screen and then lay back in bed smiling seeing my boyfriends on the screen.


I don't even know why I asked her to watch the movie with her. I had seen it a hundred times with my younger sister, Tiana, but it still didn't stop me from asking.

I guess I just wanted an excuse to spend some time with her now that she had been expelled and partially cause it was my fault.

Hearing her laughter, I turned around to see her comfortable in her bed and happy watching the blonde and brunette boys on the screen. It was like she was the most carefree person in the world and I loved it. Wait what was I saying? I couldn't be attracted to her! I mean she hates me and obviously has a thing for fictional characters.

By the time the movie had ended the small girl had fallen asleep and she looked so gorgeous. Stop it Ryder that's just Edward from Twilight creepy watching her sleep. Instead, I tucked her into her bed and removed the now empty pint of ice cream from her bed and went downstairs to throw it away and head home.

Once in the kitchen I was met with none other than her foster mother. 'Oh I didn't realise you were here Ryder!' she said but her voice contained a hint of something else? 'I hope Raven's been treating you well, the bloody girl can't keep herself out of trouble.'

There it was. She was only being nice to me because I was her client's son. Wait a second! Was she being mean about Raven? I mean she is only her foster daughter but still. I felt a sudden urge to protect her and honestly, it now made me feel worse about being to blame for he expulsion.

'Mrs Carter, I must apologise I am partly to blame for Raven having gotten herself expelled.' I began but she cut me off...

'Oh don't be silly! That girl's been nothing but trouble ever since she arrived. I'm surprised she hasn't made you hate her yet!' She said with a snide smile.

I had to remember to control my anger as this was someone my father highly respected. How dare she degrade Raven like that? Only I could do that! Even then I'm only joking. Excusing myself I left the house and made it outside just in time as my anger boiled over and I punched the tree next to me causing my fist to become bruised.

Shit, I care about Raven...

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