16 | Locker Makeout Sessions.

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The next day was a struggle for me. I couldn't concentrate during lessons, my mind was elsewhere and for the first time in ages, I actually had no clue what my teacher's were on about. I normally don't pride myself on my academic abilities but, it was quite a shock for me when I couldn't seem to take anything in so, imagine how relieved I was when the bell rang signalling it was time for break.

Abruptly, I rose up from my seat and ran out the door heading towards my locker only to be met by a horrible sight.

The horrible sight in question? Ryder and Jax's ex girlfriend standing in front of my locker, shoving their throats down one another. If I wasn't already having a bad day, this just made it worse.

The bastard knew that was my locker. He knew yet, he was still making out with the blonde there.

Ryder moved from her mouth and latched onto her neck sucking it, obviously trying to cause a hickey to appear, causing her to moan. It wasn't a pretty sight to say the least. In return, the girl attached her fingers onto his head and ran her hands through his hair tugging at it.

I couldn't take it anymore.

'If you guys are done giving each other aids, can I open my locker now?' I said maliciously.

'Why so tense, Carter? You see, I don't think you'll last ten minutes if this was you,' he said smirking.

Did this bastard incorrectly quote THE Draco Malfoy? How dare he! Pushing the blonde out of the way, I went straight up to his face and spat, 'How many times do I have to tell you my name's not Carter! And for your information I think you'll be the one that won't last ten minutes.' With that I pushed him out of the way and proceeded to put my books away.

I closed my locker getting ready to head to lunch but it looked like someone else had other plans as Ryder grabbed my arm and dragged us both into the nearest empty classroom.

'What the fuck?' I screamed in his face. 'You cant just drag me about like I'm one of your girls!'

'I know that princess, I just wanted to talk and you've been ignoring me,' he said pointing at me and looking me up and down.

'I have my reasons.' I said sharply wanting to avoid conversing with him.

'Yeah? And what's that? Or rather who's that the blonde?' He asked obviously trying to hint at me being jealous, talking about the girl he had just been making out with.

'No, look I dunno what twisted fantasy you've got going on in your head Ryder but let me just clear it all up for you. I don't like you, I will never like you. I was only leading you on to mess with you so that you knew what it felt like to get played like you did to all those other girls in our year. That's it ok?' And with the bomb I pulled my arm out of his hand and left the classroom leaving him there.


Hearing her words I felt like my heart was shattering. I fell. I fell hard for a girl who was just using me to teach me a lesson. Or rather my own lesson.

Confused, frustrated and hurt, I slammed the classroom door obviously causing a few  looks my way but I didn't care. I had to let it all out so I did what I do best. I left school and headed to the nearest shop to drown my sorrows.

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