8 | The Aftermath.

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To say that school the next day was awkward would have been an understatement. By now everyone had heard about the commotion that occurred between Raven and Ryder.

All of Ryder's girls had started to give Raven death glares but, quite frankly she didn't care. The boys had a newfound appreciation for her because she was the first girl to ever turn him down and that's saying something.

Ignoring all the drama surrounding her, Raven made her way to her locker to get ready for the school day when her best friend turned up.

'Hey, look I know yesterday was a lot and I'm not gonna ask you about it but, I'm just letting you know that I'm here for you,' Lexie said with a small smile on her face.

I then did something I don't do too often. I hugged her. She was taken aback at first but the reciprocated the gesture and we stood there till the bell rang telling us to get to our lessons.

The rest of the lessons went by as quickly as they started and soon enough it was lunch again. Not wanting to seem like a coward, I made my way into the cafeteria but that was a huge mistake. Everyone went silent and all eyes darted between me and Ryder.

Ryder didn't even realise I had entered to room because yet again he was snogging off some other girl's face. Are we surprised at this point?

I headed towards my table, where Lexie was already there and sat down.

'What's that?' She said with a questioning look on her face.

'What's what?' I questioned back unaware of what she was enquiring about.

'That!' She hissed pointing at my now exposed hickey. I had worn a scarf all day to cover it up but it seemed to have come slightly undone now and Lexie could see where Ryder had imprinted me.

Dammit! I forgot to touch up on my concealer before entering the cafeteria. Not wanting to make a fuss I simply answered, 'that would be Ryder's handiwork.'

Lexie's eyes widened at my answer and she looked between the two of us again (people really need to stop doing that!) and said 'that bastard treated you like one of his girls?'

I hadn't expected the word bastard to come out of Lexie's mouth so it took me by surprised but I simply mumbled a short 'yes' and carried on eating.

Not pressing the issue, Lexie also mirrored my actions.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Jax looking over me with worry written across his face. He pulled me aside and asked if I was okay and I simply nodded not wanting to give jerk any more attention than he needed.

Catching onto my discomfort he simply gave me a small smile and left, leaving me alone for a moment.

I decided I had to talk to someone about all of this and who better with than my best friend?

'Lexie, I began...' as she raised her head up to face me, 'could you maybe come over later so we can talk about we'll all this?' I asked.

A soft smile appeared on her face and she replied with a small 'sure!'.


Lexie and I were lounging around comfortably in my room. We were surrounded by sweets, chocolate wrappers and my duvet which was no half off the bed. The two of us had changed into more comfortable clothes both of us sporting matching pyjamas.

'Okay, now tell me EVERYTHING and don't leave anything out!' She exclaimed.

So I told her. I told her about Jax being my fake boyfriend. I told her about Ryder kissing me, me pushing him off, him leaving a hickey and me running out of school. I told her about what he had first said when we were alone. I told her how confused I was. I let it out all out and it felt good.

She sighed. 'Look I know this might not be what you want to hear but, by the looks of it your plan is working and he must really like you cause he's never acted that possessive over a girl before.'

This just further confused me. I mean I know my plan was to get him to fall for me but I didn't expect it to be this well...easy?

'I'm not gonna let him be possessive over me though, I'm not his girl and I'm not like the other girls he makes out with!'

'That's exactly why he likes you Raven. You don't give him the time of day and to him you're the girl he can't have making him more attracted to you.'

'He's not attracted to me Lexie, he just wants to have a crack at the girl he can't have and then dump her!' I said.

'If that's what you say...' Lexie said with an amused tone but didn't bring up the topic again.

Instead, we finished off the rest of our sweets whilst watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince cause even I can't deny that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter looked hot in that movie!

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