14 | Truth or Dare?

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'You up for a harmless game of truth or dare, Ray?' asked Lexie, her eyes gleaming.

I knew she was up to something but decided to play along nevertheless.

'Truth or Dare, Lex?' I asked the girl sitting opposite me.


'Do you like Jax? I see the way you look at him!' I questioned with a knowing look on my face.

Blushing, the poor girl mumbled 'Yes...'

'I knew it!'

Lexie gave a small nod of her head and said 'what about you Ray?'

'Dare' I replied already knowing what it would entail but I was never one to back down from a dare.

'I dare you to make out with Ryder right here and leave him all hot and bothered, wanting more.' She said with a smirk across her face.

'Easy' I quipped knowing the boy would be loosing his mind in seconds.

I stood up head strong and made my way across to the jerk's table where he was actually sitting empty handed for once.

'Hello there princess,' he said smirking at my sudden appearance but, the hint of confusion on his face couldn't be missed either. Before he could react to anything else, I crashed my lips onto his pulling him closer towards me by his collar.

At first he froze. His mind was still processing what was happening but then in good old Ryder fashion he kissed back, moving closer into me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, dominating him as he opened his mouth eagerly unaware of what I was here for.

My tongue stroked his and then I connected my mouth fully onto his for a second before pushing myself off him, winking at him and heading back to my friends as if that whole scenario hadn't just occurred.


My mind was running as I kept replaying the kiss in my head. When she kissed me it took a great ordeal of willpower not to leave with her right there and go back to her house and sleep with her. Trust me that's a lot of willpower for a guy like me.

Her kiss gave me butterflies.

She was a fiery one mixed with sweet compassion it was the perfect combination. I was getting into the kiss as well and the she pushed herself away. She pushed herself away and winked at me before heading away.

She fucking winked at me and in that moment she had all the power over me.

Never has a girl impacted me as much as Raven Reynolds does.

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