19 | It's as if we never happened.

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Ever since that day at the cafe Raven had been waiting for Ryder to come talk to her, to sort things out, but that never happened.

Instead, Ryder went back to his ways and was constantly making out with a new girl everyday. In fact, he just increased his girl score to multiple girls within a day just to piss Raven off.

The two went about the next couple of days ignoring one another as if they had never happened. He was the player and she was the new girl that's it.

Both of their best friends, Alec and Lexie, could see the two hurting and coping with it unhealthily but didn't know what to do about it.

Eventually, the two hatched a plan together where they would trap their best friends in a classroom together, lock them in and not let them out until they had at least made up.

Alec went about finding Ryder and Lexie did the same with Raven.

'Hey Raven, could you come with me a second Ms Parkinson wants to talk to you about your English grade,' Lexie said.

Oh god that didn't sound good. I thought I was passing English? Nevertheless I followed Lexie towards the classroom and she told me to go in.

At first I was confused, I couldn't see Ms Parkinson anywhere and when I turned around to leave I saw that the door was locked from the outside. Furiously, I tried to open the door but it didn't budge.

'It's not going to work,' said a deep voice making me jump. I turned around to meet none other that Ryder who had been avoiding me for the past week.

'What are you doing here?' I huffed.

'Same reason why you're here. Alec said Ms Parkinson needed to speak to me about my grade but when I got here she wasn't there and then you turned up with Lexie. I'm assuming our stupid best friends decided to lock us in here together.' He explained.

My eyes widened at the thought of being stuck in a classroom with Ryder again.

'Hey we can hear you!' said a voice outside belonging to Alec

'Yeah! And we're not letting you guys out until you at least make up,' said Lexie.

'Well it looks like we'll be here for a while then,' Ryder retorted annoyed.

The next couple of hours were agony to say the least. Both of us sat at opposite ends of the classroom not speaking to one another but stealing glances. I knew we couldn't go on like this so I decided to face the music and said 'Why won't you talk to me?'

'Why? You're asking me why after you what you said breaking my heart!' He said his voice raising in anger.

'Ok I deserve that I'll be honest but seriously, don't you stop to wonder how all those girls felt when you did that same thing?' I shot back.

'Oh don't you go acting all saint like Raven. Like you actually care about those girls!' He said sarcastically. 'I mean all you care about is yourself. You do even care about who gets hurt. No wonder your own mother left you.'

My face dropped at his last comment and rage was filling my body quickly. 'What the fuck did you just say?' I spat daring him to repeat his last comment.

He strutted his way across the classroom and stood ride in front of my face. His hot breath could be felt on my skin and his chocolate brown eyes looked deep into my own. If I wasn't so pissed off right now I could have kissed him.

'I said..' he began '...no wonder your own mother left you.' and with that the palm of hand attached to his face and all you could hear was the loud smack that followed the connection.

Within seconds the classroom door had unlocked both Lexie and Alec running in with Lexie holding me back before I seriously did some damage to the boy in front of me, Alec doing the same to Ryder with much difficulty.

Lexie was starting to drag me out of the room when I turned back around and spat 'my mother left me because she died giving birth to me so, next time you wanna say something be sure to do your background research,' and with that I stormed out.


I dunno why I said it. I guess I just wanted to get back at her for hurting me but, I overstepped and I couldn't take it back.

Honestly, I hadn't expected her to slap me but I deserved it. To make matters worse she had to reveal why her mother wasn't present in her life and guilty doesn't even cover how I feel right now.

Alec turned to me and said 'Why the fuck would you say that Ry? I get that you're pissed off but that was too far and I don't even know if you can recover from that.'

'I know.' I whispered before heading out of the classroom leaving Alec behind.

𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧, 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now