12 | The Last Days of Freedom!

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Raven's last week of expulsion was pretty much the same as the one prior. On Monday, she had made her way through the final season of Criminal Minds whilst drooling over post prison Reid. Tuesday, she managed to start Teen Wolf now obsessing over none other than Stiles Stilinski and by the time it came to mid Friday she had finished rewatching all six seasons.

It was currently Sunday and technically Raven's last day of freedom. Yet again she was home alone as her foster mother was working again. Raven didn't mind being stuck at home alone, she enjoyed her own company although sometimes she wish she was back at school just to socialise with people again. That's where Ryder comes in.

Throughout the two weeks Raven had off school, Ryder came over every so often and spent the night at hers watching whatever movie or tv series she was currently watching and today was no different.

The pair were curled up in Raven's bed watching Harry Potter again since Raven wanted to admire her boyfriends but neither were really paying attention to the movie.

Ryder made a comment on how he was better looking than both Draco and Harry to which Raven replied with 'if we're technically speaking you're pretty much a perfect mix of both boys. You seemingly have Draco's personality but share most of Harry's looks with accents of Draco's appearance too.'

Not missing a beat Ryder replied 'so what you're saying is that I'm a perfect mix of both your fictional boyfriends together huh?' his smirk growing widely.

Realising this Raven sat up in her bed and started stuttering, 'uhh...uhhh...n-n-no! It was just an observation' though she failed to keep herself composed entertaining the boy sat beside her.

Embarrassed, Raven shoved Ryder off her bed and snuggled down to go to sleep and soon after she did as the boy who was now laying beside her didn't have the heart to wake up the girl sleeping next to him peacefully.

Not soon after, Ryder feel asleep beside Raven and the odd couple had a good night's sleep curled up within each other. To onlookers the pair would look like a loving couple sleeping not two people who supposedly hate each other.

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