5 | The Plan.

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After I had caught Lexie up on all the shenanigans that went down last night, we had finally formulated the plan.

I was going to make Ryder Stirling fall in love with me and fall hard.

That's phase one of the plan. Phase two was to dump his ass so that he would become humiliated by it. I know what your thinking that it's cruel but he deserves it for being such a player.

Rummaging through my closet, I was trying to find an outfit that would catch not only Ryder's eye but all the other guys too. What better way to make a guy fall for you then to make him jealous?

I finally set on brown corduroy jeans, a corset style top and threw my infamous leather jacket on top. Satisfied with my outfit, I moved onto hair and makeup. I decided to keep it simple as my outfit was more out there so applied a little mascara and a dark lip. For my hair I just let it down over my shoulders.

Grabbing my bag, I exited my room and entered the kitchen picking up a breakfast bar for the journey to school and headed towards my car.

My mind was so full of the plan that i hadn't even noticed it was already lunch til Lexie pulled me out of my train of thought.

Making our way to our lunch table, we sat down just to see the horrific view of Ryder shoving his tongue down another girl's throat. Rolling your eyes, you turned back to Lexie, 'I swear to god someone's got to put him in his place.'

To this Lexie just laughed, 'that someone is you silly.'

'Oh yeah I forgot about that,' you said trying to distract yourself.

Lexie then went on rambling about something Raven wasn't paying too much attention to as her mind was preoccupied.

As quickly as lunch had appeared, it had ended and Raven was making her way to History, the only lesson she had without Lexie. Making a quick detour she stopped at her locker only to be approached by an unknown male.

'Err hi? Do I know you?' she asked uncertain.

'No you don't actually, I'm Jax,' he replied extending his hand out for her to shake which she did anxiously.

'Raven,' you said realising you hadn't introduced yourself.

'I know, you're the girl Ryder won't stop talking about, pretty sure the entire school knows who you are by now,' he said sheepishly.

Rolling your eyes, you said 'great, now I'm just one of Ryder's girls. Did you want anything?' you questioned the boy who still stood in front of you.

'I know this might seem weird as we barely know each other but, the girl Ryder was sucking off during lunch was my ex girlfriend and well quite frankly I want to make her jealous and get a reaction out of Ryder and what person to ask than the girl who seemingly hates Ryder?' he stated letting out a huge breath he was holding in.

Pondering upon your decision, you took in the boy standing next to you for the first time. He was quite attractive and had similar features to that of Ryder (the dark hair, height and built). What better way to make him jealous than with a guy who looks similar to him?

'Sure, but let me get this straight, I don't seemingly hate Ryder. I do hate him,' and with that you left a sniggering Jax and made your way down to History.

Yet again you were late to another class and your teacher wasn't too happy about that but, dismissed it anyways and you took your seat towards the back of the room.

Not even a second later and you heard your name being called from beside you. You turned to find the source of the voice only to find it belonging to none other than Ryder himself.

Not wanting to have to deal with him, you ignored him and at first he didn't give up but eventually kept to himself.

Finally, you were able to leave school and you couldn't have made it home any faster. Your foster mother wasn't at home meaning you were all alone. You decided to get changed into grey sweatpants and an oversized hoodie as you were wanting comfort at this point during the day. You also threw your hair into a messy bun to keep it out of your face and made your way downstairs to grab some food.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and thinking it was your foster mother you opened the door only to be met with Ryder, looking at you up and down taking in your appearance smirking.

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